𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ᅳ 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭

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trigger warning; mention of child death and child/baby graves! ⚠️

The cemetery was quiet and not too crowded and no one paid attention to Fawn and how badly she looked. And even ifᅳ Sage didn't care. She didn't care if they got dirty looks or if someone would try and talk to them. All she wanted was to hurt Fawn like her sister had hurt her.

The weather was the opposite of the mood that prevailed among all parties. Cool and depressing in contrast to the warm sun shining down on the graves. Some of them were neglected and abandoned, while others were decorated with flowers and other decorative things.

Rubbing the tip of her nose, Sage made her way to the correct row, her gaze distant. In the large green area with dozens of different graves and a few large, old trees in between, the two slim women seemed almost lost.

Her heart sank deeper in her chest which tightened painfully, her breathing shallow and slow as she stopped in front of the grave that belonged to her son. After all these years the pain wasn't any better, time hadn't healed all the wounds like many people always claimed.

The row of small graves always took her breath away and made her feel sick. All the flowers and toys and pictures of small children or babies. It was sad enough to bury a loved one that had a long life. But burying a childᅳ that left you scarred and angry at the world.

Nevertheless, a smile crossed her face when she saw how well everything was cared for. When she had lived in Seattle, she hadn't been able to come weekly or visit every two weeksᅳ in the first year she was generally unable to visit the grave. The pain and trauma was too great.

But thanks to Gemma, who regularly looked after the grave, it looked neat and clean. Since she had been living here in Charming, Sage had come here regularly, changing the flowers and making sure everything looked nice.

She had been here just last week with Tig. And apparently Gemma was here a few days ago, as there were new flowers on a corner and a little teddy bear lying next to it. Or maybe it was Jax that had been here, she didn't knowᅳ at least someone was here and had added something.

"You did thisᅳ you killed him", Sage finally broke the awkward silence, her eyes still trained on the stone, her eyebrows furrowed as she pressed her lips together. "Do you know how painful it is to have to visit your own child in a cemetery?"

The redhead heard Fawn let out a shaky breath and watched from the corner of her eye as her younger sister tensely wiped her sweaty forehead and shifted from foot to foot.

Sage's green eyes slowly landed on Fawn. "Don't you have anything to say? No sincere apology? Nothing?"

"What do you want to hear?!", the blonde hissed from the side. Fawn seemed annoyed, although there was something else in her toneᅳ remorse perhaps, Sage couldn't say for sure.

"Just fuckin' look at it", Sage snarled angrily before she dragged her sister closer, making a hand gesture towards the grave. "Just look at it and let it sink!"

Fawn refused for another moment, her heartbeat doubling. The blonde looked down, her eyes staring at the grass beneath her sneakers. It took all of her strength not to shed a tear. At the moment she didn't want to give Sage the satisfaction. Not if they'd actually let her rot in prison.

"You're a cold-hearted bitch, you know that?" Sage heaved a bitter laugh, shaking her head with a scoff while trying to keep her own tears inside.

More minutes passed, neither of them saying a word. The chirping of birds rustled in the background and the light wind cooled them down a bit. But the only thing Sage could focus on was the small picture of her son immortalized on the gravestone next to his name.

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