{Triple Collab} MxKxD- Chapter 2: Missing Brothers

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Possible three parts for Chapter 2

Reminder that this Triple Collab is a scrapped project, I was given permission to post these so you can all read our lovely imagination~

Thank you again for sticking around!




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Without looking at the deity, he raised his arm and gently ruffled the deity's hair. "You're a good kid," slightly revealing half of his face to the deity, exposing a warm, soft smile. He then faced the portal, letting down his hand, and jumped through it.


Gamma was left stunned, he slowly raised a hand- touching the warm placement of the former hand in his hair. Then chuckled to himself

'Good..kid,...It has been awhile since I heard those words' He thought, looking down at the flower being embrace within his palm.





On the other side of the portal, as Dragon made it through, the first person he faced was the Eldest Alpha. The said didn't say anything- just emotionlessly stared up at his counterpart for a good few seconds before turned to slowly catch up to the packs


'Why do I feel like he's judging me?' Dragon sweatdropped.

He decided to just shrug it off and went to catch up with Alpha and the rest. As he walks, his mind is picturing a chess board. On the chess board, the pawn has already been knocked down, leaving only the knights, bishops, rooks, queen and king.

'The pawn has fallen, though not the way we expected it. But it was nice nonetheless, no energy wasted, for now.' Dragon thought to himself.

'Now, we need to take down two knights. Hope it will go well'



On the other side of the portal, the scythe awaited our heroes to emerge as if it knew that they would come in later. It continues to be their guide.


The whole three groups followed, while the wolves didn't bother to talk or anything- just blankly side eye at their future/past selves weirdly like taking a quick glance into the mirror

At the back, Alpha caught up with the other two alphas- Beliung and Wolf. The Alpha trio was just walking right behind their packs, letting the second tier dragons take the lead. Beliung- who was carrying his tired out youngest in bridal style, repositioned themselves then looked at the wolf, "Are you okay?"

The little one tiredly hummed, "It took a bit of my energy... but I at least got to test the power again... I'll get used to it soon...". The Tempest lightly sighed, only nodding in response


Ankáthi skipped towards Beliung and Wolf. "Man, Boi! You really have such cool power!"

Flóga nodded, agreeing to what his brother said. "Yeah! That black hole and the whips were so cool!"


The mentioned tiredly giggled, "Thanks guys... I'm still practicing..." he scratched the back of his head


Dragon quickly walked forward so he can be at the same pace like his counterpart, Alpha. He smiled warmly when listened to his kids praising the younger one's power. "Old they may be, but their soul is that of the children," He mused to himself.

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