Chapter 12

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Sakura's POV

I woke up early in the morning and packed up a three day bag for the Christmas trip we're going to in kiri. I'm really excited for this. We're all decided to spend Christmas Eve there but we're come back home for Christmas Day, to spend with family.

Today is December 22. Sasuke and I will leave as soon the others arrive. We're decided to drive together so we're rented out a van for three days. Neji offered to drive us there.

"Alright I'm all done." I said to Rita.

Yesterday Shisui asked her out on a date to celebrate her birthday which is today. She asked me and the girls to help her get ready. I strengthened and styled her strawberry blonde hair, as Rin was doing her makeup, and Izumi was picking out a dress for her.

"Oh yeah and happy birthday again." I smiled at her.

She giggled "Thanks Sakura."

"Oh yeah my friend Hinata her birthday is in the 27th." I told them.

"You should definitely celebrate her birthday, then." Rin chimed in.

I chuckled "I'm sure Naruto is planning something he really likes her."

"Oooooh Rita you should definitely wear this purple dress it will bring out your hazel eyes." Izumi stated.

"Where is Shisui taking you, anyway." Rin asked as she was applying some eyeliner on Rita's eyes.

"He said something about dinner and then we're go somewhere after that." Rita smiled.

"Well have fun but not too much fun." I smirked teasingly. She nervously laughed with tinted cheeks.

"You too Sakura. You're going on a trip with Sasuke and your friends, right." Rita said.

I nodded "Yeah I'm actually looking forward to it."

"Just don't drink. Remember you're pregnant." Izumi reminded me.

"Yeah I know." I reassured her.

Suddenly were heard a van honking outside.

"That must be them." Rin spoke.

"Sakura! Come on it's time to go." Sasuke called out to her from the living room.

"I'm coming!! Alright girls I see y'all on Christmas Day."

"Bye Sakura." They all said in unison.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of Rita's room to where Sasuke is at. He smiled once he saw me walking in the living room wearing some gray sweatpants, and a pink sweatshirt. He took my bag and we walked out the house.

"Hey you guys." Naruto yelled while waving.

"Dobe...." Sasuke bluntly said.

I giggled at him while shaking my head at his excitement. Oh Naruto!

"Will you hurry your slow pregnant self, forehead." Ino joked.

I flipped her off.

Ino gasped and acted all hurt by placing her hand over her heart "ouch."

I stuck my tongue out at my best friend before getting in the van with Sasuke.

"Are you all ready." Neji said who is sitting in the driver seat and Tenten was sitting in the front seat next to him.

Yeses and yeah's were heard from everyone in the van. Neji nodded before starting the engine and drove off to the roads.

Sasuke's family cabin was about five to six hours away, and everyone couldn't contain their excitement. Their once city view had now been replaced with mountains and lakes.

Sasusaku: No Regrets (WILL BE EDITED SOON)Where stories live. Discover now