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Dylan was in shock. Once Taylor's concert was over she had ditched Hayley and made her way to the nearest exit.

She couldn't stop thinking about the songs that Taylor was singing. Flashbacks of memories with the blonde plagued Dylan's mind as she hailed a taxi.

She ignored the pings coming from her phone as the taxi made its way to a familiar house.

"Yo David!" Dylan shouted as she pounded on the front door

No answer

"Dad!" Dylan yelled as she pounded the door even harder

Eventually the door swung open revealing a scruffy looking David

"Dylan? What are you doing here?"

"I need a favour," Dylan replied as she pushed past her father and made her way to the kitchen

"What's wrong?" David asked

"I need you to get me something," Dylan said as she cracked open a beer


"Speed, coke, weed, anything, I just need something,"

"Dylan, we've been over this—"

"—Dad, please, I know you have stuff here, I just need a little bit,"

David sighed at the girl before reaching to grab a box on the coffee table. He pulled out a small bag of white powder and a small bag of weed,

"Take your pick," David sighed

Dylan stood up and grabbed both of the bags from her father's hand,


"—No, just don't," Dylan interrupted before downing her beer and making her way to the door

"Thanks," Dylan said with a fake smile before leaving the house.

As she walked through the dark dimly lit streets of London, she couldn't help but hum to the tune of one of the songs she heard at the concert.

However the girl was severely high and ended up bumping into a lamp post,

"Watch where you're going you fucking twat!" She shouted

When she didn't get an answer she turned to look at what she thought was a person and started to giggle.

She sat down on a bench and threw her head back to look up at the sky,

"Whoever is up there, controlling my disgrace of a life, can you just give me a break," Dylan slurred

She sat there in her thoughts for a few moments before the sound of a familiar ring tone caused her to panic. She searched her pockets quickly and answered the phone, without looking at the caller id,

"Hello?" Dylan said trying her best not to sound off her head

"Dylan? It's Taylor,"

Dylan froze. She felt like the world was falling from beneath her.

"Uh, hi," Dylan stuttered

"Can we please talk?" Taylor asked

"Sure," Dylan sighed

"I'm staying at the Savoy, I'll let Greg know you're coming,"

"Uh, okay,"


Dylan sat on the bench in a daze.

What the fuck did I just agree to? Dylan thought to herself


 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃 • TAYLOR SWIFT Where stories live. Discover now