The Dream (1)

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Chapter 1

This is a gl love story between River and Penny. How they found their way back to each other. And I will talk about both of their povs. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.

*Long time ago*

(8 years ago)

Pov River:

"Hey Penny, are you afraid of growing up? And meeting other people?"

"Of course I am. There are lots of people out there in this big world. Who knows maybe we can find someone who loves us like my mom and dad."

*Mind* (Yeah. Like your mom and dad. I only have my mom with me. And i love for what she has done for me)

"Hey river"


" Let's make a promise! Even though the world is big, let's make a promise that we will always be best friends with each other!"

(I could feeling my face turning red as she looking at me that way)

"Yeah! I Promise"

"Now if anyone tries to hurt you they will face me, and I will give them something that they deserve. I hate seeing you hurt, you know?"

"Yeah I know.." I tried looking away from her so she wouldn't see my face. But she pulls me closer to her. We were a few inches away from each other's faces. And she pulled me into a hug.

"My cute little River"

I pulled away from the hug. "Hey I'm a few months older than you, you know?" I hated when she teased me like that and the next thing she is going to say is , yeah yeah but I'm taller.

"Yeah yeah but I'm taller"

See i totally called it. I don't know why I knew what she was going to say. It's like an endless loop considering this has happened ever since...

its like i have been here before but i just can't remember

"Hey River, I wanted to show you something.."



"Wake up River! Wake up! You gotta stay awake now please. Please keep your eyes open until-"

What- what's happening? Why did everything go quiet? Im see flashing lights everywhere. I don't know what is going on. Everything was fine just a second ago. Why am I on the floor? Why is everyone around me crying? Why is she so terrified? Then.. everything went black.

"RIVER!" Ego in the distance


*Present time*

Pov: River

Ugh, morning of the first day at a new school. I tap on the snooze button. "Ugh. What a pain. I had that dream again." It gives me a headache every single day. But I wonder who that girl is? She always appears in my dreams every time. And at the end she is always terrified like she has seen something she shouldn't. Penny, it's what egos in my head. Makes me wonder if she was someone important in my life considering we supposedly made a promise to each other that we will be friends no matter what. Is it a sign at some point? Because the dream started once we moved over here. But I can't even remember what happened in my childhood. It's like everything disappeared. But whenever I bring it up to my mom her face turns from happy to shock and she snaps at me for bringing it up. Then she will walk away crying to her room. So now whenever i have that dream again i don't bring it up to my mom to avoid seeing her cry no matter how curious I'm to find out.


"COMING!" I grabbed everything I needed and stuck it in my bookbag. And ran into the bathroom to get myself ready cuz school starts in 50 minutes. But then a headache strikes my head and the dream repeats.


Hi everyone this is my first book.Enjoy, even if a few people have seen this💕. Don't mind my grammar, I'm not very good at it.

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