Chapter 3

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Candy Tate

It was the next morning, and my phone vibrated.
I squinted, as the brightness lit up my face, it was Zayn. Earning a groan, still dark outside, storming. "What is it?"
A raspy voice asked, I rubbed my eyes, and looked up to see the blonde leaning against the headboard.
Shutting the device off. "Zayn." He groaned, as the words left my lips. "Just block him already." He stated, I changed the subject, leaning up on my elbows. "Who's all up?"
He toyed with his with the tie of his pajamas.
"Everyone, they're downstairs." He replied, "Louis told them what happened last night." He added, I yawned. Nodding, pressing my lips together. "So what did that dofus, want?" Referring to the message.

Instead of speaking, I raised the phone to his vision,
a picture of Zayn and a girl. "Bitch." He spoke.
Clicking my tongue, before responding. "Yep." Agreeing
Someone than knocked and opened the door. It was his sister. "Hey, we're gonna-" she paused as her eyes met mine, surprised to see me. "We're gonna go get something to eat- you two wanna tag along?" One thing I loved about her, she'd be cool if he and I started dating. I leaned up and nodded. "Yeah, give me twenty?"
"Sure thing, what about you Ni?" She pointed towards him, and he agreed. "Uh, yes I'll go."

She nodded, and left. "Guess, I'll see you in a few?" He asked, standing up and helping me off the bed. "Yep, and thank you for letting me stay with you." I smiled, moving a strand of hair away from my eyes.
His lips curved. "My pleasure, sweetheart." I let his hand go, and walked over to the door. "See ya."

Twenty minutes passed,
I changed into my short romper, brushed my teeth and did my hair along with my makeup, ponytail, with lose strands. I grabbed my jacket and left.
Stepping out on the top of the stairs. "Queen has arrived."
"About damn time." Liam spoke, impatient he checked me out. "Shit girl. You look good." The rest of everyone left outside except for Louis, and Niall.

The three looked stressed out, "Shit." Liam cursed.
"What happened?" I asked, on the porch. "Someone slashed the tires, and broke the windows." He punched the flat donut, out of anger. Suddenly my chest caved in, I glanced at the Blonde. "We saw him last night." I whispered. "Had to have been Tyler-" Lou spoke, he stood by Tara and Liam.

"I swear if he shows up, I'm gonna kill him." Li threatened. I have never seen him this angry, and he was pretty intimidating. "Okay, calm down." Tara pulled on his arm gently and rubbed his arm, hoping for her boyfriend to cool off. "I'll call for someone to help out." I pulled my phone from the back pocket of my outfit. Dialing triple A. Only to get no signal. My brows met, confused. "Something wrong?" Niall asked "my phone isn't working?"

Tomlinson tried, "Same with mine." He placed his back in jacket. "Okay, let's keep calm." Tara spoke. "We can split up, can try to get help." I laughed. "Have you not seen a single horror movie? Literally we watched one last night CABIN FEVER?? The group never splits up-" Just like that, Lou stepped in. "Yo, chill out. We'll be okay." He was clearly annoyed of my presence, "C'mon, you can come with me." Niall placed his hand on my back, "Meet up in two hours." Tara spoke, grabbing Liam's hand and running off.
"We'll go this way." Niall reached out, pulling my arm running off. Leaving Lou by himself. "Sure! I'll be fine!" He shouted as the two of us left, guessing he had gone the opposite way.

Tara Horan

Liam and I trailed off before anyone of them could follow along, walking into the woods, with twigs and branches breaking every step we took. "Harry's coming tonight right?" I broke the silence, holding onto my boyfriend's arm. "I think, pretty sure." He replied, after a while
i started getting a weird vibe, pulling him to stop.
His brows met, confused. "Do you feel like something
or someone's watching you?" My eyes scanned the
woods, creeped out. Understanding how Candy
must've felt, scared. "Okay, it's probably just the wild animals out here, we're fine." He assured me, holding onto my arm, rubbing my back. I took a deep breath
and continued walking. "You're right, probably nothing."
I agreed, nodding my head. He chuckled, and went to try and find help.

Niall Horan

Candy and I ran off hopefully, to find someone quick aside on the road. She hadn't let my hand go. Giving her a gentle squeeze, she replied back with a small smile.
The walk was silent, until she spoke. "Um, thanks for letting me stay with you last night." It seemed like she didn't really know what to say. I chuckled. "No problem. Glad you slept well." Hopefully able to to find the streets and find someone to call for help. My attention was focused to our surroundings. "Do you think Louis' okay?" I asked, she nodded. "Dude hates me, so he's probably having a blast I'm not there freaking out." Which made me chuckle. "Maybe he's with Tara and them." She added, "What time is it?" She pulled her phone out to the check the clock. "one o clock." Birds chirped, squirrels ran around. Causing her to jump every minute. She groaned. "I hate nature." She spoke, pulling her hair up, it was hot outside. "Should we maybe head back?" Shaking my head, "No, come on we'll be fine."

"What if that guy is out here still??" She freaked, stopping in our tracks.
"Stop, nothing is gonna happen." I pulled the small figure next to me, to keep her calm. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." I kept ahold of her, she nodded, "probably the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me." Candy replied, I shrugged with a smug smirk, and mumbled. "Well.." She rolled her eyes, hiding her laugh.
her hand, stayed in mine as we continued the stroll, suddenly, we heard ruslting in the area, she looked
up at me, shaking my head before speaking. "Probably
some animal." I added, to ease her mind. She nodded
at my statement. But the noises got louder with
each step, it was heavy. "Someone out there?" Me being dumb in that moment, I earned a slap
in the chest from her. Placing my hand in the place her knuckles met. "Ow." I whispered, "Idiot, you never ask who's out there." The twig snapping got louder and closer.

I grabbed her arms, and slammed her against the
tree, keeping the two of us hidden. Placing my palm
on her mouth, and holding my pointer finger up to hush her, her eyes stayed on mine. I peeked over the tree,
trying to find the causes of the noises. "Candace?"
It was a male voice, her brows furrowed, she was nervous. I shook my head to keep her quiet.
"I heard you out here??" She gently removed my hand from her mouth, Candy peeked up from behind the tree, I stayed behind her, groaning at the sight. "Zayn!?" Her posture straightened, sigh of relief left her lips, rolling my eyes at her happiness of him arriving.

"Great." I mumbled, she elbowed me, and ran over to the dark haired male, she was excited to see. I followed behind her, keeping the distance. "What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling away from his grasp. "You hadn't been answering my messages..." His gaze met mine.
"Did I interrupt something?" I shook my head. "Nope, nothing." Candy spoke, waving me off. Ouch.
My hands found their way to my back pocket, standing back watching the two. "Wait..." She paused, stepping back. "How did you know I was here?" My head shot up.
"You told me, ya'll would be here." Zayn answered.
She shook her head. "No, I never said where.."
I got beside her, she backed up hitting my chest in the process. I held onto her. Confused myself, in what the hell
was going on in her mind.

This girl, has seriously seen one too many horror movies.
Maybe it's a good thing to know what and not to do in these types of situations, but she needs to calm.
"I came here to apologise-" He was cut off mid sentence,
Zayn looked down confused, seeing now red liquid slowly seep through his shirt. "Holy shit." Candy shot back, catching her in my grasp, stopping her from trying to reach the male laying down.
Covering her mouth, her cries became muffled.
Picking the girl up, and trying hard to run away from the scene. "Come on." I whispered. The breaking of twigs and branches didn't help us trying to hide.
It was either getting darker or it was cloudy.

Honestly, it did not help the mood.
Holding onto her arm, pulling her into a ditch to keep hidden. Her back against my chest, and arms around her. Might've been a bad idea, but we needed to hide. Tears were streaming down her reddened cheeks "Shhh."
I was bad at consulting situations like these,
"Take a breathe. We'll be okay." She nodded, trying to contain her tears. I turned her around, still in my grasp keeping her beside. I bit my lip when an idea popped up.
"I have an idea." Her eyes went to mine.
"You up for it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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