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he agony consumed me as my trembling hands struggled to steady themselves.

How could she endure all of that on her own?!

Was she really that girl?

The girl I failed to save was my Rika?

I searched for her tirelessly for a whole year, but I couldn't find her. Why? Why did I give up after just one year?

I was caged, starved, beaten, and my cries went unheard.” Her haunting voice echoed in my ears, causing my heart to ache as I imagined every ounce of her pain.

I had heard her screams before, and they were utterly gut-wrenching. And now, knowing that it was my Rika, I couldn't fathom the depth of my anguish and anger.

I wanted to burn everything to the ground. Nandini Rajput, I swore to myself that I would obliterate every trace of her existence, along with those two despicable assholes.

“Maan!” I snapped out of my reverie when I heard her voice, her sobs piercing through the air. She clung to my shirt, her eyes bloodshot and her trembling lips uttering my name.

“I am so sorry.” I whispered, pulling her into my arms. Tears streamed down my face, mirroring the pain in my heart.

“It's okay, I knew this day would come. I was prepared for it. I will walk away from your life, I swear I won't come back, but please, don't hate me.” She cried, holding onto me tightly.

What the hell was she saying? Leaving was never an option for her. She was meant to be with me. I knew I couldn't force her, but I could beg her, cage her, and plead for her not to leave because I could never bear to be without her.

“If I ever hear you speak of leaving me, I will ensure that you remember nothing but me. Don't you dare utter a word about leaving me.” My voice turned harsh, and I knew I was acting like a complete jerk.

“You've changed now, see you're even yelling at me now, Maan. I know you love me, but I feel impure, don't I? You won't love me anymore, will you?” She cried harder, her exhaustion evident. My baby was tired. Damn it.

I gently cupped her face in my hands, wiping away her tears.

“I'm sorry, Rika, but you're hurting me too. I love you! Isn't that enough to show you how much you mean to me? And don't you dare call yourself impure again! To me, you're a goddess, Rika, a pure soul. How could I ever think anything bad of you? How could I change? I love you, Rika, even if I have to beg for you to stay! I would do anything for you, my love.” I couldn't be harsh with Rika, she was too fragile when it comes to someone whom she loves. 

𝘏𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘵𝘩, 𝘔𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 |✓Where stories live. Discover now