xvi. get fucked by you

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The sunlight poured through the open window and she rubbed her eyes, leaning to the side in an attempt to bask in Satoru's comfort but the space was empty

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The sunlight poured through the open window and she rubbed her eyes, leaning to the side in an attempt to bask in Satoru's comfort but the space was empty. Of course. It would have been foolish of her to expect that he'd stay till she's awake. And not because she thought of him as a jerk. She considered the fact that he must be embarrassed by his actions.

Not that she minded though.

One thing she could confirm easily now. Satoru was just as attracted to her as she was to him.

She knew what she had to do next. A little bit risky and unlike her. But if that was what it took to get over him, then be it so.

That evening, she dressed up in a rather pretty dress, something that she had been saving up for when she finally got a boyfriend. But she wanted to look pretty. Pretty enough to get what she wanted.

"Uh, Gumi?" Her eyebrows etched up, she tried her best not to betray her emotions, "I might not be home tonight. You know?"

"Eh? Wh-?" It took the teenager a minute to understand what she was implicating and when he finally did, Mayumi wanted to dig herself in the ground. A stiff nod. "Sure. Just be careful, hm?"

She had nodded as she stormed out, taking a cab to his home. He must be at home, that she was sure of. Goodness, she pressed her legs. Now was not the time to think of it as a bad idea.

That's how it works in stories, Mayumi sighed. The main character needs to do something risky. And her definition of risky was storming in a cab to Satoru's home.


She could see his eyes widen at her sight and she inwardly cringed. This was so embarrassing.

"Are you alright?" His eyes widened further as he looked at her from top to toe, looking for any injuries probably. "You ... you look alright."

"Just alright?"

Oh. She ... She did not just say that. Was she drunk?

"I ... I didn't mean it that way, Mayumi," He laughed softly but she could swear that his cheeks were turning a light tint of pink, "You always look pretty. So pretty, actually."

He led her inside and the knots in her stomach furthered as she tried to still her breath.

"I know you're attracted to me, Satoru!"

She could hear him take a deep breath but she didn't let him speak. Mayumi was prepared.

"And I'm attracted to you as well! But I also do know that you aren't ready for any type of commitment. So, so, why don't we hookup and this way, we can get each other out of our systems?"

Pause. A pregnant pause.

She sighed, looking up at him but his mouth was left open in disbelief, staring at her as if she had proposed to do something illegal.

Fine. She could understand his reaction. What she said was totally unlike Mayumi. But anything to get him out of her system so that she could finally date and have a boyfriend.

"Let me be clear. You ... You want to hook up with me to get me out of your system?'

Was it just her or did he actually sound indignant at the idea?

She blinked. "Yes. If I cannot get to have you, the least I can do is get fucked by you."

a/n ; hi hi i finally updated !!!!! im so confused between making this fic fluffy or smutty lmao. also also it would mean a lot to me if you'd reas my another gojo fic weird story which is coming out soon. i promise it'd be better than this one bc i have actually plotted that rather than just pansting around with this.

take care u all !! i love you mwah

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