❤️ 36 ❤️

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Third person pov
In taehyung's godown

"Open your shitty mouth and tell me who the hell sent you here? " Jimin asked to the man who was tied in the chair in front of him, taehyung on the other hand was holding a camera in his hands capturing the statement of the man.

"I don't w-who you are or w-what you are, I j-just got a oo-order t-to k-kill you"

"Who ordered you?"

"J-jeon jungkook"

Taehyung's eyes widened but there is no reaction from jimin as he already knew it, in this entire universe someone intends to kill him means then that person would be none other the jungkook.

"Tae did you captured it?"  Jimin asked

"Yes jimin" taehyung answered

"See you should not leave his side even for a second and don't give him any water or food untill I say. Is it's clear?" Jimin asked coldly to the bodyguards.

"Yes boss" they all said in unison. Jimin hummed and turned towards to taehyung.

"Tae what about my phone?"

"Don't worry jimin, I gave your phone to one of my friend, he is a great technician. By tomorrow we can get it with all the datas jimin" taehyung informed.

"Thank you tae. Thank you so much, I don't know whether I will able to do these things without your support. Your presence gave me a physical as well as emotional strength. Thank you for everything. I honestly don't know how to thank you, but thank you. If you ask me if I could have done this without your help, I will say absolutely no, no matter how many times I thank you for it, It will not be enough." jimin said, taehyung smilled at him.

"Don't thank me jimin. It's you who did everything, I stood beside and it's my responsibility to take care of you as well as help you as your best friend" taehyung said, jimin reciprocated his smile.

"Come on I will drop you in your mansion. It's already going to be dark.
And You look so tired " taehyung said, jimin nodded and they went out and drove away.

After few mins they reached jikook mansion. Jimin got out of the car and waved at taehyung before going inside the mansion. A sigh of relief left his mouth when he can't find jungkook in the living room. But his relief all gone in vain when jungkook poped up infront of him when he was climbing the stairs. They stopped at their track and locked their gazes. Jimin lips curved into a wide smirk which was usually displayed by jungkook.

"Baby, this is your last day. So enjoy it to the fullest because tomorrow you would even regret of being alive" jimin said and felt satisfied when he got expected reaction from Jungkook which is fear.

"Now your game is over. Be prepared to face the drastic change in your life" with that jimin walked pass him to his own room.

Jungkook who is standing there like a ghost slowly descended the steps like a lifeless body and sat in the couch.

"No, it's should not happen" 

Time skip:-

It's was past midnight and the surrounding is very quite indicating that everyone is in thier deep slumber. Jungkook slowly walked towards a certain room with a shart knife in his hand. He slowly opened the said room and entered inside before locking it behind. The room was completely dark, he looked at pale figure lying on bed sleeping peacefully. He slowly made his way near the bed tiptoeing without making any sound.

He stood there for some minutes looking at figure.

"Yes I knew my game is over but now your chapter is over" he said and raised his hand to stab the figure but stopped in the midway when his eyes fell on the figure's ethereal face glowing in the moonlight. Suddenly he shook his head before attempting to stab but again got struck in the middle. He don't know why but he can't kill him now.  He threw the knife out through the window before walking out of the room out of frustration, hating himself for restraining from killing him. Even when ordering someone to kill him is also difficult for him nowadays. Now killing him by himself is feeling like a impossible task.

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