Chapter 4

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"This school is really big." Seokjin said in awe while looking around.

Jungkook just observes him and let him look around more.

"What would you do here by the way?" Jin asked while they were talking.

"I need to take care of you and make sure that people won't come near you."

Seokjin glared at him. "I want to make friends and you are here guarding me again as if I am still 5 year-old kid. I'm old enough to do things on my own." He said with pouty face.

"And you were still not able to find the function hall." He said then stopped. "Here we are by the way. If you'll just continue sulking you'll be late."

Jungkook removed his sunglasses and entered the hall confidently. Seokjin did not have a choice but followed him.

They are still 5 minutes early so they were able to find a seat that best suits Jin's taste. Seokjin observed that there are student who started looking at them as soon as they entered and he got really shy. He was home schooled when he was in his primary school and was fully guarded when in highschool because of his grandfather's fear for him to also be exposed. He was not able to make friends because he has to go home straight after school and anyone that talks to him might not be able to see the day when Jungkook looks at them. The school is also very exclusive, having only 10 students in a class.

Seeing a lot of people and being with other students is quite new for him. He almost had a social phobia when he first arrived but he really wanted to do this. He wants to meet new people and have friends, and probably have a boyfriend, too.

He looks at Jungkook by the thought of meeting a boyfriend. He always liked the guy but probably only because he's always there for him. Maybe this new environment will let him forget about his feelings for Jungkook and see that he can have feelings for other men.

Jungkook is also unbothered with their surroundings. He's just looking straight and sometimes check on the surroundings.

Seokjin paid attention to the students around and he heard some whispers about them.

He looks so handsome and cool. I wonder how buff his muscles are inside that sweater. Seokjin looked at Jungkook from his side view and was surprised that the other is still unbothered.

Maybe they are together. Seokjin blushed with the thought of him and Jungkook together.

He looks so big, maybe we can invite him to play football. His muscles will definitely be good for our team.

That man in black sweater looks like a cool guy. I would love to be friends with him.

Wow, look at that guy with a tattoo on his hand. Do you think he has more on his arm?

I would approach that guy in black sweatshirt after this seminar. I am pretty sure we can be famous together. A cheerleader and a handsome man together. A girl near Seokjin said and it irritated him.

What do you think is their department?

The person beside him looks so handsome. I hope he's in our department. Seokjin observed Jungkook looked at the surroundings this time then focused again to the stage..

"He doesn't really care." Seokjin said to himself in a whisper.

"You were saying?" Jungkook asked.


After few more minutes, the seminar started. Seokjin got excited listening to all the messages and announcements said during seminar.

There were also student councils per department. Seokjin thought that the councils in his department looks very intimidating but one person caught his attention. They said he is a senior so it will be his last year in the department. He looks really handsome and smart. The name was Sehun, and he also looks so snobbish.

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