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this will be in 3rd person

louis got out of bed and pulled on his uniform.

it had been a week since school started and he hasn't been to any of those days. his mum called the school saying he had the flu.

today was monday. he told harry 8 days ago. they haven't spoken since. he feels awful but if he even hears the name, harry, he cries. his siblings are all home, he's trying to keep it together for them because he doesnt want to confuse or upset them.

today is the first day back. to say he's nervouse is a big understatment. he feels like he's dying.

as he slips his shirt on and does up the buttons, he thinks over the past 2 or so weeks. he hates them. he just wants everything to go back to how it was before everything happened. but he knows that wont happen.

he does his tie, puts on his blazer and looks at himself in the mirror. 

not too bad he thinks

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not too bad he thinks. could be worse.

he grabs his headphones, puts them on, grabs his phone and puts on 'how to save a life' by the fray on.

he goes downstairs and he says morning to his mum, and siblings.

he grabs some bread and shoves it in toaster. in the meantime whilst waiting for it to toast, he grabs the nutella and a knife, a plastic one, all have been replaced with plastic in case he feels the need to cut.

the toast then pops up and he spreads the nutella, he then grabs his bag, gives him mum a hug

"have a goood day mum, love ye and i love you lot as well" he says crouching down to his siblings height and grabbing their cheeks and sqeezing them

they giggle and louis gives a genuine smile for the first time in days. jay gives him a hug and whispers in his ear "you'll be okay, if it is unbearable, call me and we'll talk okay?" louis nods, then grabs his toast and walks out the house.

he decides to try something.

he walks for a few minutes and then approaches a house, he walks up the steps and knocks on the door.

the door opens

"hi harry" he says

harry's taken aback, louis is at his house for the first time in days.

"hi louis, you wanna come in?"

louis nods and gives him a small smile.

"sorry" they both say at the same time.

a chuckle comes from behind them. "you two really are meant to be together." gemma laughed. harry and louis both roll their eyes.

harry leaves to grab his bag with gemma on his tail and returns in a few seconds later blushing  deeply.

"come on, lets leave dirty little gem gems alone" harry says, causeing a fake shocked gasp from gemma.

as the boys approach the school, harry stops and Louis looks at him. "You okay?" He asks

Harry nods slowly. And then he says " what are we? Friends? Or just kinda tolerating each other? " Louis thinks for a second. And then he says "i d like for us to talk about the whole issue later but for now best friends still?"

Harry nods happily. He is happy Louis chose that as he didn't want to push anything. He gives Louis a hug and then says "Well we better to to grimmys English lesson. Huh?" Louis nods and laughs . "Yup" 

they go to class laughing again.

it feels good to be like this. I feel lighter now that mum, dad, and Harry Know, it feels so much better . Louis thought to himself as he sat down next to harry.

3 hours later 

Lunch. Louis' least favourite time of the day. The time when Simon targets him. He's a nervous reck and feels like he's about to throw up. But for some odd reason, Simon doesn't seem to be in school today. Louis isn't complaining at all. He's happy but can't help but wonder what's happened.

later that day at home

"Muuuuuuum?" Louis asks

" What do to want boo? " jay asks knowing he wants something

"Can Harry sleep over?" Louis asks hopefully

jay nods

" Yessss!!! " Louis says. And goes to call harry.

overall today has been a great day.

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