Three Decades Of Mystery

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As Riddhima, Sejal, and Kabir embarked on their journey to The RaiSinghania Mansion, the atmosphere mirrored the ominous uncertainty lurking within their minds. The car traversed through winding roads, enveloped by an eerie ambiance intensified by the stormy weather. The howling wind seemed to echo their apprehensions, while the chilly air seeped through the car windows, sending shivers down their spines. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting shadows upon the desolate landscape of the small rural town they were approaching. Kabir's was at the wheel whilst Riddhima and Sejal were hurdled at the backseat carrying out casual conversation with each other and Kabir to ease their minds as well as to forge a plan on how their upcoming days were going to be at the RaiSinghania mansion. Their luggage was mostly light with daily necessities like toothpaste, toiletries, plenty of clothes. Riddhima brought a crap ton of books much to Kabir's annoyance as he felt they were going there on a serious business and Sejal had brought with herself plenty of food and snacks to last them a month. Kabir had packed all the necessary equipments like cameras, sound amplifiers, EMF meters, spirit boxes and basically anything and everything they would need for their paranormal investigation.

They were not professionals by any means rather just a bunch of curious friends who wanted to escape the monotony of life for a couple weeks. They had joined their local paranormal club called "Haunted Destinations" that was increasing gaining name and fame via their YouTube channel and conducting live stream investigations resulting in a steady flow of income. They became a part of the team a few months ago and this was their first proper investigation job after wirking behind the scenes and getting to know the ropes of the business. This trip was funded by them and was a chance for Riddhima, Sejal and Kabir to prove their worth to the team. Their main professions were completely different with Riddhima being a BookTuber and trying to become a writer, Sejal a struggling actress and Kabir trying to get some attention to his barely there music career. He hoped this event would get them all the positive attention they need and kickstart their respective careers.

The journey was almost a 3 hour drive with Kabir trying to lighten the mood with some music, Sejal munching on those orange looking cheesepuffs, BLT sandwiches that she passed to Riddhima and Kabir as well and even some chocolate chip cookies that she wipped out from god knows where. The town was starting to appear nearer and it felt as if it frozen in time, its streets devoid of life, draped in a somber veil that matched the ominous sky above. Dilapidated buildings loomed ominously, their crumbling facades serving as a haunting reminder of forgotten memories and untold secrets buried within the town's history. The flickering street lamps added to the eerie atmosphere, casting long, distorted shadows that seemed to dance in the darkness.

As they drew closer to their destination, the tension within the car became palpable. Each passing mile seemed to heighten their sense of unease, as if the very air around them crackled with anticipation of what awaited them at The RaiSinghania Mansion. Riddhima's knuckles whitened as she gripped the book that was in her hand far more tighter than humanly possible, her eyes darting nervously from the road ahead to the foreboding mansion looming in the distance.

Sejal fidgeted anxiously in the back seat, her mind racing with unsettling thoughts of what horrors might await them within the mansion's walls. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over her like a suffocating cloak, threatening to consume her with each passing moment. Kabir, normally the voice of reason among them, was uncharacteristically silent, his usually confident demeanor overshadowed by the oppressive weight of their surroundings.

As they finally arrived at The RaiSinghania Mansion, the sight of the imposing structure sent a chill down their spines. The mansion stood as a silent sentinel amidst the stormy night, its grandeur marred by the passage of time and neglect. Ivy crawled along its weathered walls, casting eerie shadows in the dim moonlight that filtered through the thick clouds above.

With trembling hands, Kabir turned off the engine, the sudden silence only serving to amplify the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. They exchanged wary glances, each silently acknowledging the gravity of their situation as they prepared to step into the unknown. The RaiSinghania Mansion beckoned them forth, its secrets hidden within its shadowy corridors, waiting to be unearthed by those brave enough to seek the truth. And so, with hearts pounding and nerves on edge, they embarked on their journey into the darkness, unaware of the horrors that awaited them within.

Riddhima took out all the articles and newspaper cut outs she had brought that decribed the RaiSinghania mansion or atleast tried to provide some theories as to what went down that night three decades ago in this mansion. The mansion was huge and at one time maybe looked like the most spendid structure to have ever been created. Atleast to the townsfolk who were relatively poor. There was probably a remnant of what once would have been the lush green gardens of the RaiSinghania mansion dotted with several colorful flowers like roses, dandelions, petunia, daisies, waterlillies and many more. The old pictures of the mansion were a testament to it.

The fountain that once flowed with fresh, clear water was now half broken, the white marble broken and chipped in places and the delicate artwork of it was covered in mud and green algae.

"In person it looks far more haunting." said Riddhima.

Sejal nodding with agreement and added "The pictures online don't do justice to this mansion. For some reason it looks like the most pristine and intricately carved mansion and also the ugliest lump of bricks put together."

Kabir said "Let us all get out of the car and start taking our luggage out. The current owner of the mansion clearly stated to me that we won't have any help for food or necessities and would have to fend for ourselves or go eat in the town. The caretaker comes at 6 in the morning and leaves at 5 in the evening sharp. He will hand us over the keys to the mansion."

Riddhima said "Then what are we waiting for? We came here for job, so let us get on with it."

With that all three of them stepped out of the car and took out their luggage. They climbed the entrance steps after which came a huge and lavish looking gate that was once craved with the name "RaiSinghania Mansion" with gold but was now almost retained none of its former shine due to the accumulation of dust and dirt.

"Somebody really needs to get this place cleaned" said Sejal but Riddhima just rolled her eyes at her and ran her finger at the thick layer of dust at the gate and examined her finger with a scrunched up expression.

"So where is the caretaker?" asked Riddhima and as Kabir was going to reach out for his mobile to dial the caretaker they all heard a jingling sound and turned around.

"Is that him?" questioned Sejal.

Hope you liked the first chapter everyone. I am back from my hibernation😅

Here are a few notes about this fanfic

• Yes, it will be horror
• Yes, it is a a Riansh fanfic
• It's characters are based on IMMJ2 but the story has little to no similarity.

Do comment and vote if you liked this chapter and the second chapter will be published today at afternoon India time. The caffeine really kicked and helped me write and edit this chapter.

Do listen to the audio clip I inserted from YouTube while readkng the chapter. It will help set the mood. Let us end this with a quote from one of my favourite horror writer-

"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?"
                                        - Edgar Allan Poe

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