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Louis Stylinson

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Louis Stylinson

brother to Lottie Tomlinson, Fizzy Tomlinson, Daisy Tomlinson and Phoebe Tomlinson

son to Mark and Jay Tomlinson

age 24

relationship status :husband to Harry Stylinson

loves:music, kids, Harry Styles his husband, his son Freddie, his family, 

has blue eyes

dislike: avocadoes, Simon Cowell, healthy food, people hating him

job: songwriter + singer

lives in London

nicknames boo, boo bear, Lou, Lou Lou, Lou Bear, Tommo, Luigi

Freddie calls him dad

Harry Stylinson

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Harry Stylinson

brother to Gemma Styles

son of Anne Twist

age 24

relationship status : married to Louis Stylinson


loves: music, kids, his husband, painting his nails, his son Freddie, 

dislikes: Simon Cowell, people hating his husband and/or his family, making Louis eat healthy food

job: songwriter/ singer

lives in London

nickname Haz, Hazza, Harold, H

Freddie calls him Daddy

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