Chapter 5

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"He looks sulky." Namjoon said as soon as he saw Jungkook and Seokjin arrived at the Kim's but Seokjin just smiled at him slightly and went straight to his room stomping his feet with a pout.

Jungkook just sighed. "He is sulky."

"What happened? He looks excited earlier."

"I pulled him away from a boy who wants to meet him."

Namjoon laughed at him. "Why would you even do that?"

"That boy was checking him out. It was pretty obvious." Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Well, maybe that is Jinnie's chance to have a boyfriend."

Jungkook glared at him and was about to attack him when Jimin came.

"What is happening here?"

Namjoon quickly went behind Jimin's back.

"I think he might kill me." Namjoon said.

"That makes two of us." Jimin said.

"He will not have a boyfriend because he is still young!" Jungkook said at Namjoon.

"Who will have a boyfriend?" Jimin asked Namjoon.

"Seokjin." Namjoon whispered.

"I said no!" Jungkook said.

"W-wait! What is happening here and why is my baby Jinnie having a boyfriend?" Jimin asked.

"Exactly! He's just a baby and he won't have a boyfriend!" Jungkook answered. He then left the two and went to the kitchen to get water.

"What just happened, Namjoon?" He turned his body towards the guy and put his crossed arms over his chest.

Namjoon grinned. "Someone is triggered just because a boy introduced himself to Seokjin. Damn, you should have seen him get worried when I said the word boyfriend. Looks like our baby Jinnie wants to have a boyfriend but the bodyguard got mad with that thought."

"Oh, Jinnie said that?"

"He did. Looks like one of his goals in entering the University is to have a boyfriend." Namjoon said grinning.

"This will be exciting." Jimin said.

"I told you!"

"But you can't keep on doing that to Jungkook. He'll really kill us and you were almost dead earlier." Jimin said shaking his head.

"As if I am the first one to be killed when you're the one who made Jin wear that tattered pants."

"At least that's for Jungkook not Jinnie's classmates!" He said then left to check on Seokjin. "I'll check the baby." He said.


"Jinnie? It's me Jiminie-hyung. Can I come inside?" Jimin said after knocking.

"Yes." He heard from the inside and immediately entered.

He saw seokjin on his bed, with his face over his pillow.

"Hey, are you okay? How was the seminar?" Jimin asked while sitting on the edge of the bed and brushing Seokjin's hair.

"It was going fine until Kookie had to interfere." Seokjin said looking at Jimin.

"What did your bodyguard did?" Jimin asked.

Seokjin then pulled himself and sat on his bed looking at Jimin. "He was making friends with boys and girls, even having one of the girls' numbers in his pocket but when it was time for me to make friends, he pulled me away." Seokjin said with furrowed brows.

"He made friends?" Jimin asked curiously as he knows that Jungkook is not fond of making friends. Maybe make friends to kill them is better way to put it.

"Well... uhm... not exactly make friends but those students approached him." Jin said skeptically and trying to remember what happened.

Jimin chuckled. "That's exactly how I pictured it."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you know Jungkook doesn't make friends. He can go on a day just talking to you." Jimin said and Seokjin blushed with the thought that Jungkook only wants to talk to him. "I also heard you want to have a boyfriend?"

Jin's blushed even more. "I--well... not really like that. I want to meet new people and probably be friends with them and have a boyfriend."

"Are we not enough as your friends?" Jimin asked.

"No, no! That's not what I mean." Seokjin said in panic.

"I know what you mean. I'm just playing on you." Jimin said. "But don't you think you were too young to have a boyfriend?"

"All of you say that. Kookie also said that. But he even kissed a guy earlier than my age."

"Is that it? You want to kiss a guy? Or are you having a competition with Jungkook?"

"I-It's not. I don't know, Jiminie-hyung. I just feel like I am already old enough but I don't have a lot of experience."

"Jungkook never had any boyfriend. He also did not have a lot of expeience meeting a lot of people because he was busy taking care of you. He must have 'other' experiences to release stress but that's it. No romantic feelings involved."

"B-but he kissed you."

Jimin laughed at it. "Do you also want to kiss me, Jinnie?"

"What?! No! It's not that I don't find you attractive, Jiminie-hyung, but I just don't want us to do that."

"Oh, then would you like to kiss Jungkook?"

Seokjin blushed and suddenly had a thought of kissing Jungkook.

"Oohh, our Jinnie is blushing. Is our baby having a crush at his hot bodyguard?"

"Jiminie-hyung!" He said then covered his face again with a pillow.

Jimin laughed at his cuteness. "Okay, I'll stop. Don't worry about Jungkook, he's not interested and will not be interested with anyone until it's time."

Seokjin looked at him. "You think so?"

"Yes." He said then pat Seokjin's head.

"Is he interested to women?"

"Never. He never liked women." Jimin said and Seokjin calmed down after that.


"Jinnie, are you still mad at me?" Jungkook asked when he entered his room. Among all of them, only Jungkook can enter his room without knocking. This is his special privilege.

Seokjin, who was currently reading a book looked up at him. "I am not mad, Kookie. I am sorry about how I acted earlier. I just wanted to make friends." He answered then closed his book.

"Okay. I'm sorry about being too much. I will allow you to talk to people and be friends with them. But please let me stay beside you."

"Okay. We'll act like childhood friends in front of our classmates but don't be too... overprotective and controlling. I want to experience life, too." Seokjin said.

Jungkook sighed. "But if I see any harm your way, I'll make sure to do something."

"That's fair." Seokjin said.

"Let's go have dinner, or else I'll have to carry you. Your grandfather will be here in 5 minutes. He'll want to have dinner with you and ask you about your day at school." Jungkook said.

"Carry me." Seokjin said in a pout.

He suddenly squealed when Jungkook carried him bridal style. He immediately put his hands over his neck.

"Hold on tight, my baby." He said and Seokjin blushed.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now