5. "Shut up Seaweed brain."

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AS ANNABETH AND ERIKA went to the gas station, Annabeth looked at Erika. "Why don't you have a coat with you?"

"Because.. A hoodie is enough..." Erika responded, having her arms crossed.

"You should be more kinder to Percy, He's having a hard time after his mom.. It's fine, forget it." Annabeth responded as the two girls stood in silence, Annabeth was mentally choosing what kind of candy to take. She took a green one before she hesitated to choose the orange one and checked it.

"Percy eats almost every blue thing only. For some reason." Erika said, observing that about Perseus Jackson as she took the drachmas out, Annabeth nodded before she started picking almost every single flavour of the candies, some chips and sodas.

"You're stalking him, aren't you?" Annabeth asked, smiling up at Erika.

"Yeah." Erika nodded, shoving her hands into her hoodie pockets. "I mean.... He's alright."

"You like him, don't you?"

"Ew. Have you seen him? I'd die." Erika responded.

The woman looked at the two girls. Erika just stayed quiet as she noticed, looking at a lady who seemed far too suspicious.

Mrs. Dodds

"Monsters can't be avoided entirely. They're a lot more common than you think. The trick is to spot them before they spot you," The words went through Erika's mind. "It's true they are more likely to sense a more powerful demigod. A child of the big Three, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, is at the most extreme risk." Grover talked to Percy as Annabeth and Erika were coming back to the bus, "But it isn't your power exactly that draws them. It's more complicated than that."

"They smell fear." Percy said.

"That's bees." Grover responded, "What a monster senses kinda depends on the monster. Some are better at sensing your inadequacy. Some, your need for glory, your shame. It's important to remember that if you've ever gonna confront one.. wherever your armour is weakest, that monster's probably coming right for it. Nothing will stop them, not even death."

Erika came back to the boys, holding the bag, She took some blue candy and gave it to Percy before handing some chips to Grover.

"Where's Annabeth?" Percy asked, holding the candy from Erika.

"Oh her, she's on her way." Erika responded, looking back at Percy before she looked at Grover. "We might have to leave soon." She mouthed. Percy ate the candy as he started speaking to Grover again, and even Erika.

"Guys, you need to open that window. NOW." Annabeth yelled as she walked up.

"I don't think these windows are supposed to be opened - oh, no." Grover said as a loud screeching was here, and a monster walked up.

Grover and Percy broke a window, somehow, which made people leave. Annabeth stared at Alecto while Erika just looked out of the window, only to hear Fury shrieking from outside. Erika summonded a knife. When the Fury barged in, Erika stabbed the fury by the knife, letting it go into Ashes.

"We're done here. Let's go." Annabeth said as she was the first one to go, Then Grover got out of the bus. Erika grabbed Percy's hand, and they both left the bus as he took the box he was holding.

As the kids thought they were safe in the woods,

"Somewhere up ahead, this turns into a satyr path." Grover said as He was walking with Percy, Erika her jacket, Percy holding the box, and Annabeth just staying silent as her and Erika walked forward.

"Whats a Satyr path?" Percy asked, looking at Grover.

"It's a road through the wilderness. Satyr explorers use them, harder to track us." Grover responded.

"That's great, but if we stay in the wilderness, how are we going to find the phone?" Percy asked.

"What do we need a phone for?" Annabeth asked, curious at the blonde boy's comment.

"So we can call camp." Percy responded, "T-- To get help."

"We don't need help. We're fine." Annabeth responded, not looking back at the boy as she crossed her arms.

"We're fine?" Percy scoffed, "We haven't even gotten to Trenton, and we're wandering through a forest. I didn't even know they had forests in New Jersey, but we've found one. I would say we're the opposite of fine."

"We were sent on a quest by the Oracle, by the gods." Annabeth said.

"What'd you think, it would be easy?" Erika said as she appeared in the conversation out of nowhere, "It's supposed to be hard. That's why only certain people are chosen. If we call camp, we're basically saying it was a mistake to choose us."

"I'm completely comfortable with that. Everyone makes mistakes." Percy responded to Erika. Erika rolled her eyes before whispering,

"Shut up, seaweed brain."

"Why are you so afraid of who you are?" Annabeth asked as she stopped walking for a second.

"What?" Percy asked as he looked back at Annabeth.

"You know, what's interesting about this particular satyr path is it's actually the one my Uncle Ferdinand took when he set out on his own quest." Grover said, trying not to let a fight happen.

"What was that supposed mean, afraid of who I am? I'm not afraid." Percy said as he ignored Grover for a second.

"Yes, you are." Annabeth responded, "You aren't just a kid. 'Just a kid' doesn't do what you did to Erika back at camp. 'Just a kid' doesn't have Hades sending top lieutenants to retrieve them. You know, you are a part of something so much bigger than we can understand right now. We have to move forward whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not."

"You don't want to call camp, fine. Then, at least, let's call your mom." Percy suggested.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth asked as Erika just looked away, Now, here was something about Erika. She HATES Athena. After all, she is her father's daughter.

"Athena? Your mother. I'd call my father but we aren't exactly on speaking terms. You know, because of the lifelong neglect and all, but you and your mother seem close. So, why don't we ask her for help?"

"Grover, will you please explain to your friend that he needs to pull himself together?" Erika asked as Annabeth stayed quiet.

"You can't ask her, can you?" Percy asked. "When was the last time she talked to you?"

"Grover." Annabeth spoke.

"I don't know why you keep pulling him into this. He's on my side."

"What makes you think that?" Erika asked, taking Annabeth's side.

"He's my protector. It's his job." Percy said as he looked at the brunette.

"He was her protector first." Erika responded, looking at the blonde boy with curly hair.

"First? What do you mean 'first?" Percy asked as he got more confused than before.

"Very exciting, getting to walk in Uncle Ferdinand's footsteps, next best thing to getting to talk to him again." Grover spoke up.

"Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth had a satyr Protector. That was you." Percy spoke, looking at Grover. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Grover sniffed, "Do you guys smell that?" He asked.

"Grover, I'm not kidding--"

"No, neither am I. Just shush."

Grover sniffed again before he spoke, "Hamburgers." And began walking away, The others following him.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now