! A/N !

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Hello, hello!~

Thank you for reading my story. I really wasn't expecting it to get so popular, especially since I'm a horrible writer.

Reading all of your comments always makes me laugh, and for all the encouraging ones, thank you so much!

Anyway, for the people who craved depression chapters but weren't able to receive it, heres three sentences!


Every single chapter you read was the memories Y/n had forgotten over time.

Since Furina is now human, she will eventually die while you, Y/n, are immortal. As time passes by, your memory will fade.


Anyway, have a good day/night! If you're interested in Yandere Fanfics, expect a new one to come out soon.

♡𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵 ♡ | Furina x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now