City of Love

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Just a little something for Valentines' Day. And with a ship I think would be cute for the show.


It was a sunny day in Great Lakes City with only a small amount of white fluffy clouds.

Ronnie Anne, Sid, Casey, Sameer, Nikki, and Laird were skateboarding in the park on a halfpipe.

"I call this the Triple Air Flip!" said Ronnie Anne.

The Latina skateboarded down, jumped off her board and did a triple flip when the board came back down and she landed on top of it.

Her friends cheered.

"Way to go bestie!" cheered Sid.

"That's nothing!" Casey boasted. "Check out my Relaxation Rush!"

Casey laid on his back on top of the skateboard and pushed back with his foot. He put his hands behind his head as he skated down the pipe. As soon as he was launched into the air, he hopped off and landed on the top, catching his board.

Everyone cheered.

"Talk about extreme relaxation!" commented Laird. "Am I right?"

"Hey Nikki! You said you had a new move to share!" said Sameer. "You wanna show it to us?"

"You bet I do!" Nikki smirked. "Stand aside ya amateurs! I call this the Air Spin!"

Nikki went to the ledge and looked determined as she skated down at a fast pace. The moment she was launched off into the air, she spun around several times until she faced the opposite way. She skateboarded down and then up the other side, performing the same move again.

"Ooh!" her friends said in awe.

"She's a spinning machine!" Sid said in amazement.

"She's not even getting sick!" Laird added.

"She's amazing!" Sameer said as he watched his friend perform her move.

Nikki landed near her friends. "And that's how you do it!" she smirked.

"You have so gotta teach me that move." Ronnie Anne said.

"Yeah! You were like a graceful ballerina with a helmet and pads!" Sid added.

"Thanks guys! I do try to be creative with my skateboarding moves." Nikki chuckled.

"You are amazing at skateboarding Nikki." Sameer said. "I think you got the techniques that would make other skateboarders jealous."

"Aww thanks Sameer!" Nikki smiled as she ruffled her friend's hair through his helmet. "Anyways, I gotta jet. Dinner's on the grill tonight. See you later."

And Nikki skateboarded off.

"Bye!/Bye Nikki!" her friends waved.

"See ya Nikki! Always fun hanging with you!" Sameer called, watching his friend go. He sighed. "She's awesome..."


Sameer looked back to see his friends smirking at him.


"Someone's looking fond right now." commented Ronnie Anne.

"Especially since Nikki isn't looking in your direction." added Casey.

"Uh... what are you talking about?" Sameer asked.

"You are in L-O-V-E!" Sid said giddily.

Sameer scoffed. "No I'm not." he said dismissively.

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