Ithaqua x reader ‼️

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(Hi! This is like my second fanfic so it's probably gonna be shit but I hope you enjoy! And sorry if there's any spelling mistakes too!)

Chapter 1: New Hunter

It was a harsh snowy night in Leo's Memory, the cold wind practically bashing at your skin, the vail that hid your face didn't give you much protection from the cold either. You were peacefully decoding and priming the last cipher, you were exhausted from all the matches today, you just couldn't wait to get back to the manner and sleep. As you popped the last cipher you quickly regretted it as you feel your heart began to beat, the hunter was near. You quickly ran, though it felt like your legs were going to give up on you from how freezing the weather is, you felt like you were going to pass out. You quickly turned your head to steal a glance at the hunter, he had stilts and creamy colored hair, a mask covering his eyes with his big dull eyes and wooden scythe. As you ran you realized everyone else already went through the exit gate and you would need to go to dungeon, and quickly sprinted towards the dungeon, your legs were numb, you felt the hunter hit you,  you fell, you were so close to dungeon.. you gave up, waiting for the hunter to balloon you and chair you, but that never happened.. instead, he flipped you over and.. uncovered your vail? He studied your face, as if not wanting to forget it. He then carefully picked you up and took you to the dungeon, you quickly jumped in, still wondering why he saved you, and why he wanted to get a look at your face.

When you got back to the mannor you waddled your way to your room, you felt like your legs were about to give out, until, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked behind you and saw.. that strange hunter.. the way he looked down at you feel small.

"Uhm- hello?" You asked, looking up at him a bit awkwardly.

The hunter then spoke in a raspy voice, he had a slight British accent, it was kinda hot. "..Hello. I just wanted to make sure youre okay, I saw you could barely get up the stairs, do you need.. help?" What? Does he care about you? Usually hunters could care less about survivors, so it was quite strange to you.

"I should be fine, but um.. thanks." You muttered,  feeling a bit embarrassed, but the vail that covered your face hid your slight blush. You could see the hunter narrow his eyes at you, he then muttered something, it seems like he said "fine" or something like that and just walked away, leaving you confused and wondering about who he was and what he wanted. You sighed and quickly went to your room, plopping onto the bed and quickly falling asleep, not even bothering to change your clothes, it seems like the days got more and more exhausting.

The next morning you woke up, rubbing your eyes as you changed into cleaner clothes, you went downstairs and went to get some breakfast, quickly going back to your room to eat it, you were quite reserved and didn't trust anyone, so you usually hurried to go to the safety of your room. After you finished your breakfast you prepared for your next match, it was December so it would be freezing, hopefully you could make it, as you barely made it yesterday. After a long day of matches, you make it to your last match, the hunter was doing really well, you were the last person left, you popped the last cipher and started decoding the exit gate, until, you spot the hunter in the corner of your eye and as you were about to run away you noticed it was the hunter who spared you yesterday. You stopped. He stopped. You backed away slowly but he didn't do anything, he was just staring at you. Once you realize that he wasn't gonna do anything, you opened the exit gate and ran out, not before looking back at him ofcourse, he.. took off his mask? The only thing you could see before getting away was his big blue eyes staring into yours.

As you talked with your teammates after the match, you noticed the hunter staring at you, while another hunter, 'Axe Boy', otherwise known as Robbie was giggling and tugging at his leg. After everyone left, You noticed the hunter go up to you, while Robbie seemingly cheered him on, what was going on? He walked up to you and cleared his throat, he seemed nervous.

"Ah- hello again. I just wanted to introduce myself properly, I didn't get to last time. I'm Ithaqua." He muttered, it was cute how he fiddled with his fingers.

"It's nice to meet you Ithaqua, I'm y/n." You said, it was hurting your neck having to look up at him so much. Despite that, you had to ask the question you've been wanting to ask since yesterday.

"Why did you save me? If you don't mind me asking."

"I..uh- I felt bad.. yeah.." Ithaqua mumbled, he seemed unsure, but you didn't want to push it so you ignored that. The truth is, he never felt this way before, his heart beat faster when he first saw your face, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He was trying his best to talk to you, and maybe even attempt to court you, with the help of Robbie ofcourse.

"Oh well um- thanks.." you answered, you also wanted to ask why he took off your vail the first time you met, but you didn't want to push it, you both awkwardly said goodbye and you walked to your room, feeling terrible, you actually felt sick, it was probably from being exposed to all that cold, you quickly got into your bed after changing and tried to fall asleep. But all you could do was think about one person. Ithaqua.

(Authors note: I'll probably be rlly inconsistent with posting new chapters, but I'll try and post as quick as possible! Pls give me any suggestions or feedback on what to improve!)
-Angel <3

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