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Yoongi washed his face and rectified his dress , taking a long sigh "pull yourself together Yoongi, you gotta be strong for Jimin's happiness, even if it's not with you but someone else." Yoongi said it to his reflection.


"So now I would like to invite our chief guest, Mr.Jung Hoeseok, CEO of a reputated international company and now my business partner , on stage ", Yoongi invited hobi with a smile, he was more envious of hobi than jealous, he knew that hobi is more capable of taking care of Jimin and is a good person. But he can't show his emotions, he got to be professional both as a businessman and host of this party.

"I'm grateful to you Mr.Min for this celebration, actually I am honoured to sign this deal with you. I am really impressed by your determination, business mind and hard work. Am really grateful to have you as my business partner Mr.Min", hobi said and shaked hands with Yoongi when everyone clapped.


Party was over , everyone enjoyed a lot , Taehyung met with hobi but he is still angry on him . It's not a problem both hobi and Jimin knew he'll be fine once hobi get chance and explain everything to Taehyung.

"Then I'll take my leave Mr.Min ", hobi showed his sunshine smile and looked at Jimin standing beside Yoongi "and bye chim ", he hugged Jimin and wishpered something in Jimin's ears which made Jimin blush . Which was noticed by Yoongi , he felt an ache but did not reacted.

Hobi took his leave.

"Let's go Jimin ", Yoongi said and made his way out to parking lot  , Jimin followed Yoongi.

Yoongi was driving, not aware of the fact that Jimin was taking glances at him.

Jimin was smiling and blushing to himself remembering what hobi wishpered earlier " You better confess as soon as possible Chim , I can't wait to tease you about having a beautiful night with your husband, like other's friends do"

Jimin was not able to think straight, and Hobi's words made his imagination worst , he was cursing himself for thinking dirty but can't stop his brain, he did not realised that they reached home. Yoongi pulled the break looking at Jimin , who was smiling to himself like crazy "you must be happy isn't it?", Yoongi asked with a broken heart and fake smile.

"Hmmm?.... Ah yes am happy so happy hyung", Jimin replied

"Am happy for you too Jimin you finally met someone you lost ", Yoongi said genuinely

Jimin gave a beautiful eye smile to Yoongi.


"Hyung you can go and freshen up first I'll go after you ", Jimin said with a smile

"Yoongi didn't said anything but hummed and went in the washroom, he don't really know how to react, he is not angry on Jimin but sad for himself . He don't want to be rude to Jimin but don't know what to say, that's why he chose to be silent.

"What happened to him, maybe he is tired ", Jimin thought

After a while, when Yoongi was done, Jimin went in and now he found Yoongi already sleeping while he is out of washroom " hyung slept", Jimin pouted as today whole day they didn't had much time together and now Yoongi was already sleeping.

"He must be really tired ", Jimin carefully moved to bed without making any disturbance in his husband's sleep, and placed a soft kiss on Yoongi's forehead "good night love", and made his way back to couch , laying down on it .


It's been a week Yoongi, has been leaving for office before Jimin wakes up and come home very late. Jimin was not getting a chance to talk to him he was so sad , it was killing him inside. Not hearing Yoongi's voice, his teasings and gummy smile, he was missing it all .

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