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Kook pov

When i saw that one of the boy is trying to touch tae i can't control myself and i goes to that boy and punch him on his jaw that boy kiss to the floor and then i look at the other boy who is gulping while seeing his friend i was just about to go to that boy but jimin goes to that boy befor me then i again see that boy (jay) who is laying on the floor hissing in pain holding his jaw and then i start punching jay . How dare he to touch my tae baby who is MINE MY. Then something hit on my head I quickly look at tae who is crying silently while looking down i goes to him and cup his both cheeks and said

End of kook pov

Kook: "tae baby why you are crying did that jay hurt you anywhere" he said worryingly

Tae: "" he said hiccuping

Kook: "the why you are crying if you're not hurt tell me..what happened baby"

There are some people in the canteen some of them are worried about tae because he contenusly crying and hiccuping . Some are running away who trying to touch tae before and some of them are scared and gulping because they first time saw kooks this scary sight

Tae: "b... because a..are beaten i" he said loudly hiccuping

Kook dragged tae out of canteen because of tight hold on his wrist tae started crying more but silently
They come in an empty room

Kook: (he look at tae and his heart ache seeing tae's puffy red eyes due to contenusly crying and small red nose and red cherry lips and his milky white neck locking all adorable)"tae...are you crazy" (he said harshly)"it's not ypu fault do you understand that there is no need to say all this both of them are bulling you and touching you in a wrong way that's there fault okk..they deserve that" (he said while gritting his teeth in Anger whole tighten his hold in tae's wrist while tae hiss in pain biting his lips silently crying)

Then kook come back to his sence when he hear his baby's painfull moans and he imedently release his hand on tae's wrist and look at tae's eyes while tears is rolling down to his neck holding his own wrist in his one hand kook looking at him with softness warmth and guilt

Kook: "I..i baby I didn't...m...mean to..h..hurt please for...give your...k... kookie" he said at the verg of crying

Tae: " k...kookie's o..okay you didn't mean to hurt me I k...know you always took care of me kookie thank you so much" he said while small smiling

Kook: "you're really so innocent and kind hearted person bear" (he said caresing his cheek with his thump while kissing his forehead the other close his eyes feeling the soft kiss on his forehead while more tears roll down in his eyes)

Kook look at him after giving a lovely kiss to his anjel and wipe his tears with his thump

Kook pov

Ohh my baby bear you're really very innocent and soft for this cruel world people try to took advantage of your innocence but don't worry my anjel I am always with you and I will protect you properly

End of kook pov

Tae: "kookie let's goo to canteen I am worried abot jimmi"

Kook: "yeah let's go did you eat properly"

Tae: "yeshh I eat you" he said pouting cutely at the word 'you'

Kook: "yes yes I eat" he said showing his bunny teeths

Tae look at him for a while lovingly Then tae eyes landed on kooks mole under his lips he bite his own lips while thinking something

Tae's pov

Why just why why always you craving for kiss his mole and suck his lips...I juts wanted to kiss him and his mole thats so beautiful and adorable....then he widen his eyes and mentally hit his head...what are you just thinking tae are you out of your mind why did you think like this you have to controll your emotions...but when ever I am with him I feel something weird in my tummy but I always ignore it...but maybe this is due to hunger bit all this happens even after eating...ohhhh godddd.....just leave it all this tae

End of tae pov

Kook: "tae baby promise me that's you will always tell me everything okk nothing ever hide it from me please I always protects you because maybe you are someone special for me more than even cousin" (he said last line in his mind)

Tae: "okk kookie i will always tell you and share with you everything happens in my life" he said smile widely

Kook: "ok so now let's go and don't cry see your face let's go to washroom and wash your face then we go to jimin"

Tae: "okk kookoo"

Tae call kook by different types of names and kook just smile widely and peck his forehead loving and see him adorablely

Both left for washroom then tae wash his face hands and kook also because of stubborn tae then they come to the canteen and search jimin but didn't found......



Hope you will like it and I am sorry for late update and also sorry for my poor English I will upload next part soon please support me and vote me b-byeee. Take care of yourself be careful ☺️




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