7. Medusa got killed by 12 year olds.

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A FEW MINUTES later, they all found themselves in a big trouble. Medusa had taken her hat off and was doing everything to find them. Her blue eyes were searching for the kids to turn them into stones.

The kids had gone to the basement for safety. It was dark, Percy turned his head around to see a statue of a woman. Slowly, the four began to see a lot of statues of people. The door creaked and closed up behind the four.

"Come on." Erika said as she accidentally grabbed Percy's hand. As they began finding somewhere to hide.

"There's three of us and only one of us. If we split up, She can't be watching us all at once." Grover said as Percy was holding Erika's hand tightly as well.

"I don't think it'd be that simple." Annabeth said.

"It could be." Grover responded. "Here's the plan. I'll get in the air, I'll draw her attention. As soon as you guys hear me say "Maia," you guys start -" and by that, Grover started flying.

"Well, that was great." Erika said sarcastically.

"So we're gonna need a new plan." Annabeth said.

"We are not our parents until we choose to be." Medusa spoke. "You three have chosen." And by that, the kids started walking again. "A daughter of a self-righteous mother, who chose self-righteousness for herself." She said as she talked about Annabeth, the snakes hissing, "And you, you could've have shown your father what it means to stand up for someone you love. You could choose to save your mother instead of doing your father's bidding." Medusa added as Percy was alone right now, hiding himself. "If neither of you will help to teach these lessons, Pherhaps you should be the lessons. When I ship your statues to the Olympus.. maybe that will get my point across even better. Stand up." Medusa said as Percy got his riptide ready.

Percy got up as his eyes were closed. Erika took a gun and shot it at a statue to let her be distracted.

"AHH I DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH!" Grover yelled as he barged into a statue.

"NOW!" Annabeth yelled as she made Medusa invisible. Percy beheaded Medusa as they could hear the body dropping. Erika walked upto them, Getting rid of the gun as she kicked the head.

Percy scoffed in disgust as he put the riptide down and picked the head up.

Erika was helping Percy get rid of the Alecto.

"Want me to take it from here?" Erika asked, looking at Percy.

"No, no, I got it." Percy said.

"Just make sure it's pointing in the right direction." Erika said, "Before you take her hat off."

"Good tip." Percy responded.

"Okay." Erika said softly as she looked up at him.

"My hands are kinda full.." Percy said.

"Sorry, my bad." Erika responded as she opened the door for Percy. Percy signed before he left. Erika watched Alecto turn into a statue as he took the hat off and put it back on the decapitated head.

Grover was upset as he got his uncle's statue. Annabeth comforting Grover as they returned. The kids decided that they should Bury Medusa with Annabeth's hat on. Annabeth agreed.

"Now, can we talk about the bigger issue here?" Erika asked, looking at the other three.

"What bigger issue?" Percy asked, confused.

".. 'You could have saved your mother.' That's what she said to you like you discussed it already." Erika said as Grover was staring at his Uncle Ferdinand, "Is your mother still alive?"

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