𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3

220 7 3


Self h@rm

Mention of $u!c!de


A/N: a few years have pasted nightmare is 503 and dream is back and his also 503.

"Nightmare please stop all of this, I want to go back to the way it was!" Dream yelled while in a battle with nightmare. "If you and friends had just stayed out the way glow stick this wouldn't be happening!" Nightmare yelled back at dream tired and ready to leave but he can't there is to much negativity to just let wast away, dream hit nightmare in the leg with one of his positivity arrows, nightmare had no choice but to retreat. When nightmare got back to the castle he instantly dropping to the ground do to the arrow in his leg, nightmare more or so crawled of to the couch that was in the living room of the castle, and had to lean against the couch to get the arrow out, when nightmare pulled the arrow out he let out a screech that could be heard miles away. A few minutes later nightmares strength was back and he was able to about his day, nightmare was sitting in the library reading a book on cooking, in his au the time it was set there were no electronics or cars so gods like him and dream didn't now how to cook yet since they were considered too young at 30 years old. While nightmare was reading he felt negativity it wasn't strong but it was strong enough for nightmare to find them. Nightmare teleported to the au where he felt the negativity "Horrortale...." Nightmare said under his breath, nightmare put his hood on his head so no one would recognize him, nightmare felt the negativity get stronger as aproched a ally way, when he was right in front of a trash can he was sure that's where it was coming from. Nightmare opened the trash can to find a....baby, nightmare was shocked and to be honest he felt pity for the young one, it didn't look over 1 years old, and it had a hole in it's head. The baby started to cry, nightmare quickly picked the child up and held it close "shh it's ok little on please be quiet" nightmare said to the small baby, it quite crying when it looked at nightmares eyes
"m-ma-mama" nightmare was about to say no but then he looked at the child, it was like he had connection with it. "Yes I'm your mama...." Nightmare said a little unsure but with joy as well(wow I'm surprised) nightmare teleported back to the castle to heal the child, he instantly headed to the medical room, and placed the baby on a bed near by in the room nightmare grabbed bandages and he could use his magic to sooth the pain, nightmare turn to the bed he ad placed the child on got to work, when he was done he picked the child up and went to his room. Nightmare sat in the middle of his bed with the baby in his lap "who would do such a thing I may be cruel, but this is...wrong" nightmare thought then he looked at the child in his lap playing with nightmares tendril "hmm what should I name you, I doubt you have one" nightmare thought out loud. While look at the child, an idea hit him. "Looks like I'm your mom now
I hope you enjoyed chapter 3

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