Another Day At The Office

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Damon truly hated his job more than anything. He worked on filing things into a computer all day, and really it could only be described as absolutely dull. But that wasn’t what he really hated about it.
“Albarn, you keeping yourself busy?” asked the Mancunian accent that forever seemed to ring in his ears and grate on his nerves. No one did it like his boss, Liam Gallagher. Liam was younger than everyone else who worked there by a few years, and had a habit of particularly enjoying riling Damon up.
“Yes.” Damon sighed as Liam walked over to examine his progress. He felt a big hand on his shoulder, roughly splaying out across the fabric of his dress shirt and feeling all too invasive. If Damon was being honest, he sometimes assumed Liam did it just to piss him off even more. He always seemed to thrive on being an insufferable brat.
“Hmmm, you only have that much put in? Me thinks you’re getting lazy on me. Can’t have that, can we?” Damon could hear Liam flick his tongue out over his lips.
“I’ll get on it if you let me,” Damon said, trying not to sound too irritated. As much as he truly despised Liam, he was still his boss. He couldn’t run his mouth off too much if he didn’t want to get fired.
“Guess I’ll let you, then. Wouldn’t want to be a distraction to you,” Liam said, coyly brushing his bangs out of his face before sauntering back off.
The worst part of it all to Damon was that Liam did distract him. He had remembered having a crippling attraction to him from the first time they met. Liam was strikingly beautiful, and he knew it. And if Damon was being honest, sometimes while he was working, he thought about going into Liam’s office and bending him right over his own damn desk to take him.
Maybe that was what got Damon through each shift. It admittedly wasn’t the healthiest way to envision his boss, but it sure did make for some satisfying daydreams when Liam was busy in his own office, probably playing some fucking computer game. Damon was just doing what he had to in order to get by each day.
Later that afternoon, Damon had the misfortune of Liam sneaking up behind him again. He felt a head on his shoulder, and could see the glimmer of Liam’s teeth out of the corner of his eye as he grinned.
“What’cha doing, Albarn? You finally doing what I asked?”
It was horribly insulting to Damon’s intelligence. Liam liked to nip at him like that, grating at the edges of his sanity a little. He found himself huffing, trying not to give Liam too much extra attention. He was trying to work, after all.
“I’m working on it,” he said, hoping that it would satisfy Liam’s curiosity. Damon knew full well that Liam didn’t actually give a damn about how much he was getting done. To Liam, a day at work was kicking his feet up on his desk and finding the latest shock videos to send to Damon and all his unfortunate co-workers.
“Hmmm, alright then. D’you mind if I just stand here for a minute and watch to make sure?” Liam licked his lips, and if Damon didn’t know better it almost seemed a little flirtatious. He knew he really didn’t have a choice but to let Liam hover over his shoulder.
“Fine by me,” he said, trying to stay calm. Liam was really starting to piss him off. Liam pulled away from his shoulder, and after he had moved far enough back Damon let out a sigh. He returned to clicking his mouse on files and opening them to edit them. He was about half a minute in, and his breathing almost started to relax again when he suddenly felt Liam drop his head back on his shoulder. He felt Liam breathe deeply into the fabric of his dress shirt, the warm air soaking down to his skin from the fabric. Damon started to shake a little in increasing agitation. And in the midst of his attraction to the Mancunian, he was very tempted to just turn Liam’s head and smash their mouths together. He had to try his best to stop himself from doing it. But then, Liam pushed his last nerve.
“You seem a little distracted-”
Shut the fuck up!”
Damon cringed as he realized what he had done. He heard Liam’s breathing fill his ear for a moment before the younger man pulled away.
“I think you should see me in my office in a few minutes. Let me go clear some things off my desk,” Liam said, an edge of excitement present in his voice. Damon assumed it was probably at the thought of cussing him out.
Damon was left practically shaking in his chair after the brunette sauntered back off. He truly wanted nothing more than to bash his head into his screen and give up. Liam was going to chew him out, he knew it, knew he had made a big mistake. The worst part was that he hadn’t even bothered yelling at him in front of the others; the bastard was probably in his office figuring out how to personally break Damon’s spirit. When he had first started working there, Liam’s temper was naturally short and he’d have outbursts, but as time went on, he noticed his boss become more calculating with digging into anyone he thought was getting wrongly cross with him. He was certainly planning on what exactly he’d say (or yell) at Damon to wither him down until he was actually apologizing to him. It made Damon fume even more.
It was getting later in the afternoon, and close to the end of the workday. Damon’s clicking slowly came to a halt. He would have to go into Liam’s office sometime soon, as much as he honestly preferred the thought of having a heart attack in his chair. He closed out of his programs and logged out of the computer.
Damon glanced back to look at the door of Liam’s office. It sat behind him imposingly, almost like it was taunting him. All he could do was build anticipation for what would only be God knows how long of Liam chewing him up and spitting him out on the floor. He saw the door creak open slightly, most likely from the wind chill in the building. Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep holding off. He knew Liam was waiting for him.
Turning off his computer and scooting back in his chair, Damon got up and left his cubicle, trying not to think too hard about how wracked his nerves were. Doing his best to keep his walking steady, Damon made his way back to Liam’s office.
He got to the door and reached out to grab the handle. Slowly turning in his hand, he opened it to see Liam staring at his computer and clicking his mouse. A second later, Liam had realized that someone was standing there, and looked up, already knowing who it was.
“I see you finally made it in here. Thought I was gonna have to come and find you for a second,” he said, giving a small quirk of his lip. He obviously was amused by the situation at hand, but that didn’t make Damon feel any better.
“D’you mind if I have a seat?” Damon asked, wanting Liam to stop messing with him and get to berating him already. Liam smiled and nodded.
“Pull up a chair and sit down,” Liam responded. His voice had gained a hint of something that Damon couldn’t put his finger on, and his face was practically lit up. It made Damon feel a crunch in his stomach.
Damon closed the door and walked closer to Liam’s desk, pulling out a chair and sitting down in it. Liam took his hand off his mouse and scooted his chair away from the computer and over to where he could get a direct view of Damon.
“So,” Liam started, tapping his fingers on his desk. “I think you know why I asked to see you.”
Damon did. He looked down, shifting in his chair uncomfortably. “Yes,” he said.
“And I think you know that the way you talked to me out there just isn't gonna work. Y’know, I could fire you, if I wanted.”
Liam’s calmness was more jeering to Damon than him immediately getting red in the face and screaming at him. Nevertheless, he knew something was coming.
“I do.” Damon tried to keep his tone steady. The last thing he needed was for Liam to see that his taunting was working.
“But I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t wanna do that. I like you, Albarn. Like you a lot...”
Damon wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He had never really taken the time to think about what Liam actually thought of him. He saw Liam tug at his tie, and realized he was loosening it.
“I really, really don’t want to fire you. But I think we can both agree that what you said to me out there wasn’t acceptable. But y’know, Albarn, I think I have a way you can make it up to me.”
Liam had his tie off, dropping it on his desk. Damon looked at him curiously for a second before realizing what he was implying.
Liam licked his lips, giving a sly little smile. “Did you figure it out, Albarn?”
Damon had two choices. He could tell Liam that yes, he had figured it out. Or he could toy with him a little. If anything, Liam really only deserved the second option for being such a cunt.
“Since you seem to think I’m bloody stupid half of the time, why don’t you tell me?” Damon had to resist the urge to smirk when he saw Liam’s face drop. For once, he felt like he had gotten the one up on him.
“I-” Liam had reached a hand down to his lap, and it was with glee that Damon realized he was palming himself through his slacks. He couldn’t see it, but he could tell by the way Liam’s cheeks were flushed that he was definitely hard.
“What’s the matter? You don’t wanna talk? That’s surprising,” Damon said, giving a harsh laugh.
“Watch your tone,” Liam warned, his eyes narrowing. “I could still fire you.”
Damon wasn’t scared of the threat at all anymore. He knew Liam wasn’t going to fire him, not when he was already hard in his chair. Liam seemed to realize that he knew, as his face got redder and his breathing got heavier.
“I know you’re not gonna do that, though. You’re too desperate for summat else.”
Damon stood up and leaned over the desk, and in swift motion grabbed Liam’s chin. He tilted it up so their eyes met.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna start walking towards the door, and if you haven’t spit out what you want, I’m going to leave and go home.”
Damon let go of Liam’s chin and turned around to head towards the door. All he heard was the sound of Liam’s breathing. As he got to the door and began to turn the handle again, that was when he heard it.
“Fuck me.”
Turning around, Damon looked at Liam, who’s big eyes were eyeing him hungrily. Visibly smirking that time, he asked, “What did you say? You were a little quiet there.”
“I said I want you to fuck me.”
There was only one thing Damon could do. He locked the door. Looking back at Liam, he found himself walking back over, eyes scanning his boss for a reaction. Liam bit his lip as he got closer.
“That’s why you always mess with me, innit? You’ve been wanting this the whole bloody time.” Damon watched as Liam nodded, and continued to speak. “Yeah? Always knew you were a total slag. Get up."
Liam complied, getting up out of his chair. He stepped over to Damon, resulting in the blonde immediately pulling him in to kiss him. Their lips connected heatedly, and it wasn’t long before Damon was snaking his tongue down Liam’s throat and undoing his belt for him. Liam moaned into his mouth, setting off a pleasant vibration in Damon’s jaw. He pulled away and grabbed Liam by the fabric of his blazer.
“Get on your knees,” he ordered, unbuckling his own belt and slipping it apart. Not even five seconds later, Liam was on the floor, hands snaking up to Damon’s waist to unbutton his slacks. As he got them down, Damon loosened his own tie and undid a few buttons on his shirt.
“Fuck, Albarn, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” Liam’s voice was fervent with need, and it sent a jolt straight to Damon’s hardening cock. He tried to wrap a hand around it before Damon slapped it away.
“No hands, I only want your mouth,” said Damon lowly. Liam’s eyes flashed up at him, even hungrier than before as he wrapped his lips around the head of Damon’s cock.
Damon let out a soft sigh as Liam sunk deeper onto his length. He placed a hand into Liam’s soft brown hair, holding him as his nose hit the base. Then, he held him there, just long enough to make him gag before pulling him off about half way.
“Fuck, look at you. Not got anything to say with a mouthful of cock, d’you Liam?” Damon’s tone was especially jeering as his boss’ name left his lips. His mouth gaped slightly as Liam fluttered his eyelashes at him. Seeing him in such a state made Damon grip his hair even tighter, pulling him back down. Lodging his cock deep in Liam’s throat, Damon let out a moan. He could feel the head hit Liam’s uvula, and gave a cruel smile. Tears were starting to well up in Liam’s eyes, but it didn’t stop his tongue from swivelling along the underside of his length. Damon could tell he was enjoying every bit of what was being done to him.
“You really like this, yeah? Makes you so hard just to be used like the slag you are, doesn’t it?” Damon looked down at Liam in his debauched state and suddenly had an idea. He gathered saliva in his mouth and pulled Liam off him, tilting his head up and spitting on his face. For a second he let Liam look up at him, his watery eyes blown wide with arousal, before shoving him back down on his cock. Liam moaned around his length as he was forced back down, and it sent a pleasurable vibration through Damon’s body. He shuddered as Liam continued to suck him, wiping the spit on his cheek with his thumb while his other hand returned to Liam's soft locks to roughly guide him.
As much as Damon wanted to keep Liam’s mouth on him, he knew he was going to come if he didn’t make him stop. He pulled him off, making him yelp as his hand gripped particularly tight on his scalp. Damon almost wanted to apologize for it. Almost.
“Stand up and bend over the desk,” said Damon, his breathing harsh. He was trying to keep his tone steady, but if he didn’t get inside Liam quick, he was going to lose it.
Liam got up, immediately following Damon’s order and bending himself over his desk. He turned his head to the side for a second to look at the blonde, practically begging for him to come and touch him. Damon slowly walked over, eyeing his boss up and licking his lips as he steadied himself behind him. Liam’s breathing hitched as his hands found their way onto his hips. He hastily pulled down Liam’s slacks, rough enough to nearly pop a button, and was hungrily staring at his ass as he got them down past his thick thighs.
“Tell me, Liam. Is this what you think about when you’re sitting in your office doing nothing all day? Me bending you over and using you to get off?”
Damon’s words were taunting, and he smiled to himself as he heard Liam produce a soft whine in the back of his throat. He knew the effect he was having on him, and it made him feel drunk off of power.
“’Cause that’s all you’re really any good for, innit? Being a slag?” Damon rubbed Liam’s ass cheek for a moment before gripping the skin firmly, feeling the warmth that radiated from his body. His throat was dry from intense desire, and he found himself reaching a hand around to Liam’s mouth, his fingers pressing against his plush lips. “Open up.”
Liam took his fingers in, sucking on them and swirling his tongue around the pads of each digit. He was practically drooling on them, and Damon couldn’t help but press his hips into his ass. He felt the vibration of Liam’s moan as his cock pushed up against him, slipping between his cheeks and rubbing against his skin in all the right ways.
Damon pulled his fingers out of Liam’s mouth, trailing them slightly across the corner of his lip before standing back just enough to snake his arm between them. He spread Liam apart, holding his hip with his dry hand while circling his hole with his fingertips. He heard him whine again, louder than before. The sound hit his ears, thrill rushing through his veins, and then he was pressing the first finger into him.
“Is this what you wanted, Liam? Me coming in here and stretching you open?” Damon wiggled his finger around in Liam’s insides for only a few seconds before sliding a second one into him.
Yes,” Liam moaned, his hot breath hitting the desk. Damon flashed a grin as he scissored his fingers apart inside of him.
“Not even trying to hide it, are you? I know you know your place.” Damon curled his fingers inside him, making Liam cry out. The sound made Damon laugh.
“You really have been aching for it, haven’t you?” he continued, continuing to rub at his walls and massage his prostate. “You’re being so bloody loud and I’m not even inside you yet.”
Damon added a third finger, stretching them inside Liam’s heat and savoring how tight he was. Picturing his cock hitting the sensitive bundle of nerves instead of his digits, he pushed them as deep as he could get them one final time before pulling them out. He gave a harsh smack to Liam’s ass cheek, making him whimper. Then, he grabbed his arms and held them behind his back.
“Hold still,” he said as he pulled his tie off and started wrapping it around Liam’s wrists. Liam's eyes were wide as he tied them together, and his breath was uneven. He squirmed a little, but mostly listened to the order. Damon looked down at his bondage work in satisfaction, tugging the end of the tie tightly to secure it. Taking his cock back in his hand, he lined up to Liam’s entrance and slid in.
Damon,” Liam breathed, letting out a soft moan as Damon filled him up. Damon was almost so distracted by how good he felt that he didn’t even notice the brunette say his name. Once again, almost.
“We’re on first-name-terms now, yeah?” Damon asked, smirking as he pulled the tie tighter and lifted Liam’s chin up with his hand. Liam breathed, trying desperately to grind back into him as he pulled his hips away. He let out a loud cry as Damon pushed back into him.
Damon, holy fuck-” Liam choked on his breath as he felt Damon wrap a spit-coated hand in his hair, releasing broken sobs as the blonde relentlessly pounded into him. The sound of their skin slapping together reverbed throughout the room, and it only made him moan more as he was taken and owned. He could hear Damon's taunting laughter from behind, and grunted in semi-aware embarrassment.
“You’re really into this, aren’t you love? Y’know, I bet everyone out there can hear you getting shagged. Does that make you feel good, knowing they’re all listening to you be a little slag?” Damon pushed Liam into the desk, making him whimper as he continued to nail his prostate.
Uh-huh—” Liam’s face scrunched up as he felt himself pushed further up against the desk. Damon had his hips gripped, mercilessly pulling them back into his whilst keeping him from moving too much. He couldn’t do anything but take Damon’s frustration, each thrust making his knees weaker and his voice more broken.
Pushing in and out of Liam’s heat was edging Damon closer to climax. He held his head down with one hand, leaning down to nibble on his ear. If he was going to get off, he was getting Liam off with him.
“C’mon, love, I know you're close. Come for me, show me how I own you,” Damon cooed the words into his ear, nipping at his earlobe and darting his tongue out over it. He dug his fingernails into Liam’s skin as he fucked into him, grinding his hips into the table and providing pressure on his cock. Liam screamed, his voice harsh as he was spurting ropes of come onto the desk. He clenched tightly around Damon, and it wasn’t long before Damon felt the coil in his stomach bursting. He shot into Liam’s depths, his cock throbbing inside him and making him moan softly in exhaustion. His vision was spotty, and he had to grab the desk to keep himself on his feet. Waiting for a few seconds, he panted as he came down from his orgasmic high, holding Liam back on him before pulling out.
“Well,” Damon's voice had a bit of dry jest in it as he tucked his cock back into his slacks. He tapped his fingers on Liam’s ass cheek, tracing a pattern into the skin before starting to turn away. “Guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
Liam breathed, watching Damon take a footstep before realizing he was still tied up and couldn't move. “Uh, are you gonna leave me here?” he asked, referring to his arms which were still bundled together. Damon looked back over at him, turning back to fix his mistake.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, untying his arms and freeing him. He put his tie back on and secured it back around his collar, waiting for Liam to get himself back together. Watching as Liam pulled his slacks up and zipped them, Damon was surprised to find himself in a better mood than he was when he first came into work that day. He was almost a little happy.
“Y’know, you’re rather tolerable when you’re letting me shag you. You should do it more often,” he commented plainly, redoing the loop on his belt. He shot Liam a somewhat wry smile as he buttoned his shirt back up at the top. Liam looked up at him through mischievous eyes, fastening his own belt before grabbing his discarded tie off his desk.
“You solved all my problems with you, I suppose. Maybe I’ll let you shag me again sometime if I haven’t changed my mind and fired you by then.” Liam took a moment to chuckle along with him in the humor of their situation as he lazily tugged his tie around his neck, not bothering to fix it properly. Looking back up at Damon with a slight twinkle in his eye, he said, “Now get the fuck out of my office. See you tomorrow.”
Damon had never been happier to comply with one of his boss’ blunt orders. “See you,” he said, making his way to the door and heading out of it. He couldn’t see it, but Liam was smiling behind him as he left.

Another Day At The Office {Damon Albarn x Liam Gallagher}Where stories live. Discover now