Chapter 17

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"Aeron," she says, her voice soft with disbelief. "I didn't think you were still here. I kind of assumed you'd have to head back to work by now."

The hold he has on her shoulders tightens slightly as the demon draws in a slow breath. "While it is true there are many tasks that must be dealt with in Hell, the minions will be more than adequate in handling them for the time being." He moves his head down to her shoulder and places a gentle kiss where her neck and shoulder meet. "At the moment I have a more urgent matter that must be attended to."

"Oh." An ache forms in her chest as her shoulders tighten, ready to pull away from the demon's embrace. Heat builds up across the bridge of her nose, and her vision blurs with newly formed tears. Wrapping her hands around Aeron's, she pulls his arms so that his upper torso is pressing flat against her back, seeking out the comfort offered by his touch. A part of her is shocked by her emotional reaction, but after nearly dying twice in the past forty-eight hours, doesn't she deserve to be a little emotional?

To her disappointment, Aeron releases his own hold on her and pulls his body away from Harper's with the exception of one hand that he clasps within his own. He moves to stand in front of her, a small frown appearing as he takes in her expression. "Kye," he says quietly, refusing to break eye contact with the woman in front of him. "Perhaps now would be an appropriate time for you to air any past grievances you have with the excessively large reptile waiting upstairs."

"You could have just said 'Kye, get out," grumbles her brother.

"Very well. Kye, dismiss yourself."

Kye's jaw drops as he stares at Aeron for a moment before letting out a short snort. "Who knew you had a sense of humor," he says as he gets to his feet.

"I am brimming with mysteries."

"Yeah, that's what I am afraid of," he mutters while he stands up.

As he walks by, Kye puts a hand on Harper's shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "You don't have to do this alone, Har. We've got you no matter how strange or weird the problem is. I mean, I'm about to go fight a dragon for you. How many big brothers would do that?"

"Please don't actually fight Misha."

"No promises," her brother yells back as he walks through the door, leaving the couple alone in an awkward silence. For weeks now Harper wanted nothing more than to spend more time with Aeron. But now that he is here in front of her, words refuse to come out. To be fair to herself, having her boyfriend loom over her as he eyes her up and down would probably make most women be at a loss of words. Usually for more fun reasons though.

The demon must have noticed her unease because his gaze softens as he drops to a crouch in front of her, placing a hand on her knee. "How are you feeling, my beloved?"

"Okay, I guess." she answers with a slight shrug. "Considering a couple hours ago I was one sitcom episode length away from becoming a zombie, I could be worse."

A muscle in Aeron's jaw twitches as his nails bite into her knee as he tightens his grip on the joint. "Your flippancy towards your potential demise both aggravates and unsettles me in a way that is unfamiliar."

"Oh believe me, I am aggravated and unsettled too. But if I don't try to laugh about this, I am going to end up a sobbing mess, and I don't think either of us can deal with that right now."

Aeron reaches a hand up and gently cups her cheek. "Honestly, tears might be preferable due to their familiarity. Since constructing a relationship with dear Lily, I have experimented with a multitude of methods for coaxing someone from a state of distress. Therefore, my offerings of comfort and support would have been vetted and confirmed to have some level of accomplishment. Humor as a shield to protect yourself from trauma is something I am lacking in experience in dealing with."

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