Denial: A Camsten Fanfic

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"Cameron is smothering me. It's driving me crazy." Kirsten announced thinking about Cameron's overboard worrying lately.

"He likes you."

"Excuse me?" Kirsten stopped typing on her laptop and stared at her roommate, and as of lately friend.

"Cameron. Likes. You." She explained slowly as if talking to a child as she sat on the couch beside the blond.

"He does not."

"Denial apparently isn't just a river in Africa after all." Camille muttered under her breath.

"Um it's pronounced the Nile, and what do rivers have to do with Cameron? Who, doesn't like me by the way."

"Forget about the river, it was a pun. And Cameron so does like you. That's why he acts the way he does."

"Cameron worries about me unnecessarily, but he doesn't like me."

"He worries about you, unnecessarily as you put it, because he likes you. Notice he's only overprotective of you. Just like he only gives you those ridiculous, but cute nicknames. He stares at you when you're not looking. He likes you Kirsten." The brunette shrugged as if it was simple and started flipping through a magazine. "And from the looks of things you like him too."

"What? I do not like Cameron." Kirsten responded as she took the magazine out of Camille's hands.

"Hey, watch it! That's the latest issue of Seventeen."

"Really, Camille Seventeen?"

"What? A woman can't want to be fashionable and smart? I happen to think women can have it all." The brunette huffed flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Your taste in magazines isn't important right now. I do not like Cameron."

"Yeah, Kirsten you do. You've opened up more to him than you have to me in the year we've been living together. You do this playful banter with him. And when he's around you just seem more relaxed. Well as relaxed as you can get I guess." She shrugged waving her hand casually.

"That's ridiculous. My relaxation levels have nothing to do with rather he's around or not." Kirsten argued.

"Whatev. Can I have my magazine back now?"

"Admit that Cameron and I don't like each other first."

"No way. Because then I'll be in denial with you two Wonder Twins." Camille disagreed as she reached for her magazine.

Kirsten moved her arm at the last second and moved it out of the other girl's reach.

"Fine." Camille shrugged as if she'd given up before suddenly lunging and landing on top of her roommate.

"Get off." Kirsten commanded trying to push the brunette off of her.

"Whoa! What's going on here? A little girl on girl action?"

Pausing in their tussle the girls turned their attention to the door to see Linus. They then realized the position they were in. Camille was on top of Kirsten straddling her stomach, with one arm supporting herself and the other reaching to get her magazine back. Kirsten was lying flat on her back with one arm holding the magazine away and the other pressed against Camille's face to push her away.

"Get over yourself you perv." Camille grumbled as she got off of Kirsten and dusted herself off.

Linus opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as Cameron entered the house.

"Hey Buttercup, Camille." He greeted as he lifted Kirsten's feet and placed them in his lap.

Linus and Camille shared knowing smiles.

"Hi Cameron. Linus come help me in the kitchen." Camille motioned towards the kitchen for her partner in crime to follow her.

Kirsten crossed her arms and stared at the ceiling as she pondered her roommate's words. She was not in denial. They did not like each other.

"What's got you thinking so hard Porkchop?" Cameron asked curiously as he gently placed his hand on her knee and drew gentle circles with his thumb.

Not replying yet she stared into his eyes that we were so full of life and sadness. Camille was wrong. She wasn't in denial, they didn't like each other. They loved each other. That's something she knew for a fact. She felt love and what if felt like to be loved through the stitches. And she could say without a doubt that Cameron loved her and she loved him. He was still a pain in her ass, but he was her pain in the ass though.

"Nothing, Girlfriend." She answered carefully and tried for a reassuring smile. "Just rivers in Africa."

"Rivers in Africa?" He laughed joyfully causing a foreign peace to spread over her that only he could cause.

So maybe she was in denial about one thing, Cameron had a lot to do with her relaxation levels. Camille didn't have to know that though.

Denial: A Camsten (Stitchers) FicWhere stories live. Discover now