Chapter 51

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As the last words were spoken at the closing ceremony, the cheers went up, celebrating the new pack members and the official end of the Meeting.

Truth be told, I might have cheered extra hard for that last part.

The prospect of having this week behind me and sleeping in my own bed again had me almost delirious with relief, and I hugged Malcolm, overcome with glee.

Around us, our packmates greeted the newcomers with a fervor reserved for only the most social of animals.

Releasing Malcolm, I slowly sidled to the edge of the fray, observing with amusement.

And, gradually, a coldness crept over me.

Sitting on the outside. Looking in.

For a moment, the familiar faces seemed strange to my eyes, and I myself felt alien to them.

Then, it passed.

Malcolm glanced toward me, a flash of concern crossing his features.

Shaking off my odd melancholy, I put on a smile.

The cacophony settled as groups began to make their way toward the farewell picnic being held outside of the Meeting Hall. As the crowd thinned, Malcolm walked toward me, wrapping one arm around my waist, "You okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just tired."

Pulling me closer, he leaned down to kiss the crown of my head, "Same."

I closed my eyes, breathing in the warm comfort of his scent.

"Hi, it's Malcolm, right?"

Glancing behind me at the source of the voice, I found a short, curvy woman standing a few feet away.

I didn't recognize her, but that wasn't exactly strange. Over the course of the week being at Malcolm's side had introduced me to a slew of new faces hailing from packs in the region and across the continent.

But, for the life of me, I couldn't remember her name.

Looking to Malcolm, I expected to see him wearing a courteous smile.

But, instead, he frowned, palpably confused, "Right..."

She offered her hand to shake, "I'm, Hannah - Zoë's cousin?"

His expression turned from uncertainty to panic, "Oh-"

Hannah grinned, "Don't worry, she told me the date was off - I just wanted to say, 'Hi'."

Malcolm took her hand, and they shook quickly, "Yeah, sorry about that-"

She snorted, "Don't even worry about it - one less blind date is a plus in my opinion." Turning to me, she said, "I'll never understand the impulse to meddle in other people's love lives."

A sudden spike of jealousy began to fade as the animal side of my brain realized she wasn't a threat. Nodding, I agreed with her, "Me neither."

"Don't worry," she assured, "you've got nothing to worry about. Malcolm's not exactly my type, to be perfectly frank."

I chuckled, "That's good to know."

"Anyway," she addressed Malcolm, "would you please tell Zoë that we spoke? I'd love to get her off my back."

His expression darkened, and I recognized a red spark of anger in his eyes, "Wait, is she still pushing the date?"

"Hmm?" She'd glanced away, distracted by something only to seemingly realize she'd stuck her foot in her mouth, "Oh, no - nothing like that. She's just constantly dropping hints that I should join your Pack."

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