One day i was sitting on the couch watching dance moms on demand intill i was interrupted by my little cousin miya . I said what do you want i'm trying to watch dance moms. Miya said well Abby lee Miller and The Girls Of Dance Moms are coming here . I said What wait wait they are coming here for real? Miya said yes because Mackenzie just kik you and said um mark we are coming to your house. I scream nate- nate koran jordan darrell lil atowine . They ran downstairs and say what Mark. Miya said the girls of dance moms are coming. Nate-Nate said what i need to get ready for my kenzie boo.
Koran said be right back. Ju-Ju and Tyray went to the airport to pick -up Abby Lee Miller and the Girls of Aldc. Abby lee miller said where are they? Kenzie said over there. Ju-ju said come get in the car so we can go. Abby said do you two know how to drive this car? Ju-Ju said yes but this not our car this is mark's car. Maddie said what my ex-boyfriend car what are you two doing with his car. Ju-Ju said he let us borrow it to go get yall. Mackenzie said oh okay how is nate-nate. TyRay said nate-nate is doing good he been sleep with pictures of you and everything. Kenzie said oh ok. Ju-Ju said why did you have to tell that girl that our older cousin nate-nate that he have pics of her. Kenzie said it's ok guys.
So Ju-Ju pull in the drive way and said we are here. So Koran open the door for The Girls of Dance Moms and Abby Lee Miller. Abby said well Mark I see you have been married huh? I said yes how did you know. Abby said it's on your instagram. I said aw yeah you are right. Kenzie said well Mark congrats on your wedding. I said thanks mackenzie. Maddie said i wish me and koran can get married. Me and Abby said y'all both are too young to get married.

My Cousin and Friends The Story
Romanceit all about my boys and girls cousins realtionship with the boys and girls of Kids of kate plus 8