Where are we?

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Lidia Cervos had finally begun her new normal life after the Asteri's brutal reign. She was married to her mate, Ruhn Dannan, who she now spent every day with in their new apartment, right below Bryce and Hunt's.

Her mate had walked into the kitchen, "Coffee almost ready?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek, smiling at her. "Yeah Ruhn," she turned around to get a better look at him, placing her hands on his face.

His dark blue eyes shined as they stared at one another. "I love you," Lidia kissed him, grateful to have been given a long lifetime with her mate after the events of last fall. "I love you, too," her golden eyes beamed brightly back at him.

The doorbell rang suddenly. Nobody was supposed to be here this morning on their day off, strange. Lidia went to answer the door, tensing for whomever might be behind the door. They began banging on the door and she threw a confused look at Ruhn, motioning for him to follow. Before she could get to the door, a portal opened underneath their feet, sucking them in.

Bryce was preparing to go for a quick morning run before she had to get to work. She's spent the time since the Asteri had been killed helping to restructure their government and sort things out.

Hunt walked in, coffee in hand, and gave Bryce a kiss, "Have a good run, sweetheart." He smirked at her before she went to walk out the door, "Bye Hunt," she smiled, blowing him a kiss. She reached the door, about to grasp the handle, when, "Bryce!" came from behind her. She whipped around and saw as Hunt fell through the portal that appeared in the floor.

Her jaw dropped, this can't be happening they just got settled into this new life. She pulled out her phone and called Ruhn as she began running out the door to his apartment. No answer. That was worrisome. She arrived, ringing the doorbell. Screw it. She banged on the door, hoping for an answer. At that moment, a portal opened at her feet, sucking her in. Here we go again. (internal facepalm)

Hypaxia was hanging out with Ithan and Tharion the night before. Well, more like stressing about all the politics and planning they had to do the next morning. Anyway, the smell of eggs and bacon was wafting from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!" Ithan had volunteered to make them breakfast that morning. Hypaxia walking into the kitchen only to see portals opening beneath both Ithan and Tharion. They were sucked in right before she was sucked into her own portal.

Tristan had been on his way to see Declan for their early morning patrol through the city. The people of Crescent City had some trouble adjusting to the new changes to the government, especially the fae. They had been quelling any protests and issues while also dealing with any crime through the city's growing pains. He knocked on Declan's door to which he was met with a tired face, "Hey Declan, you ready?" "Yeah, just let me grab my gear." As soon as he started to turn, a portal opened up beneath the two. "Crap," they echoed each other falling into the portal.

Baxian was flying through the city, towards the location of the violent protest where Isaiah was currently. Hopefully nobody was injured this time. He landed on the street, spotting Isaiah quickly with his white wings. "Hey Isaiah!" he waved, catching his attention while jogging over. "What's the situation?" Before he could get another word out a portal opened beneath them and sucked them in.

Under the sea, two young boys were getting ready for school as a portal opened beneath them. Brann and Actaeon were sucked into the portal.

Ember and Randall were sleeping in bed (pretend there is a different time zone) as the were sucked into a portal.

Ember opened her eyes groggily after being woken up from thudding on the floor. Getting to her feet, she looked around finding her husband next to her. Everyone was there. Lidia, Ruhn, Bryce, Hunt, Hypaxia, Ithan, Tharion, Baxian, Isaiah, Tristan, Declan, Juniper, Fury, The Viper Queen, Perry, Celestina and two boys who looked like a certain someone (i didn't feel like writing them all an intro + if there's anybody missing that i should add lmk).

The room they were in was a library with tons of books everywhere and multiple stories. There was a fireplace with tons of lounge chairs and couches. Throw pillows and blankets were strewn everywhere giving it a cozy atmosphere. In the middle, there was a small table with a peculiar stack of books on it.

"Where in the world are we?" Bryce asked to nobody in particular, exasperated. "It seems to be some sort of library." "Clearly Tharion, but I mean where in the fuck are we?? I mean I thought we were done with this type of thing." Bryce huffed. This could not be happening. Hunt placed his hand in her arm, soothing her, "We'll figure it out, I promise." His eyes conveyed a look of understanding towards her then hardened when facing the rest of the people in the room.

Lidia's eyes widened as she saw her two sons across the room and began tugging Ruhn over towards them. "Boys! How did you end up here?" They both came over to her albeit one more willing than the other. "We are okay. I don't know how we got here there was just a portal and now we're here." Brann piped up. "I'll figure this out boys, we'll get back to our homes." She had a concerned look on her face with her eyebrows pinched together.

"Guys, I found a note over here." Tristan picked up a yellowed piece of paper and unfolded it, "'You all have been chosen due to recent events in your world to learn more about history. Considering the fact that you've met some of the fae that come from the original home of the fae I think it's time to learn about the shifter's history and world. I have brought you here to read a story of importance from that world, after your ancestors crossed the rift. Lidia, this will be especially beneficial to you. I hope you all enjoy since you can't leave until you finish all the books. Also, when you are done, you will be returned to the exact moment you left your world. —Anonymous'"

"Well that sounds like utter bullshit," Fury scoffed, "but I guess I am a little curious." "I would really like to know about my ancestors. I mean I didn't even know I had elemental magic until a couple months ago," Ithan was excited to learn more. "I think we should do it, especially since we can't leave until we do." Bryce said. Lidia agreed with her and was curious about the note left about her.

"Who wants to read first?" Bryce asked. Perry spoke up in the back, "I'll do it."

hi guys i'm writing this for fun and this is my first real fanfic so go easy on me! i wanted to read something like this and there aren't a lot of finished react fanfics for sjm so im writing it. lmk if y'all want more chapters cause if no one reads/likes it i probably won't have motivation to write more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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