Chapter 7

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After a week, Seokjin said goodbye to his grandfather for the meantime as he needed to move temporarily to the suit that he purchased for him. He was suddenly sad as he had to leave his grandfather alone, but the old man assured him that he will be fine.

"Just visit me every month and I will be fine." Heechul said to him.

"I surely will, abeoji. Please take care of yourself."

"Of course." Heechul said. "Go now before I change my mind in letting you go."

Seokjin smiled at his grandfather and hugged him tight before riding the car with Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon.

He felt his tears flow down his face when he saw his grandfather fading from his view.

Jungkook observed him silently and let him deal with his emotions as he needs to get used to it.

The travel was more than 2 hours. Seokjin fell asleep on Jungkook's shoulder on their way. Jimin is a smooth driver so it was never a problem.

"Jinnie, we are here." Jungkook slightly tapped Seokjin to wake him up.

Seokjin, lazily went out of the car and stretched his limbs.

"How was your sleep, Jinnie?" Namjoon asked while taking some of their luggages out.

"It was nice, Joonie-hyung. Let me help you there." He offered but he was pulled by Jungkook.

"Get inside, we'll take care of the luggages." He said with a stern tone of voice.

"I want to help, Kookie. It's not as if I can't carry my own luggage."

"You can, but we can manage." Jungkook said. "Get inside so you can rest more."

Seokjin rolled his eyes but followed Jungkook's instructions anyway.

"Jinnie, let's get your things ready in your room?"

"Okay, hyung. Which one is my room?"

"Namjoon will stay here in the 1st floor, while I stay in the farthest room. Yours is the one in the middle, and Jungkook's the one in front of yours."

"Wait, you and Joonie-hyung will also stay here?" Seokjin asked.

Jimin nodded while he carried Seokjin's first luggage to his room.

Seokjin followed him.

"I thought it will just be..."

"You and Jungkook? Nu uh! But we can give you alone time if you need it." Jimin said teasingly.

"W-what? I don't need that! Why would I want an alone time with him?" Seokjin said blushing.

"Well, I just thought you were expecting it to be just you and him here. Like you know, husband and wife in one house. That will be so sweet!" Jimin said as if daydreaming.

"Hyung! No! Don't say something like that."

"Why are you blushing? Are you imagining it, too?"

"Of course not! I-it's j-just hot here!" Seokjin said.

"Jinnie, you like warm places because you easily get cold. Don't act as if you haven't dreamt about having him in your bed."

"Oh my god, hyung, stop! I did not imagine him like that!"

"Oh! Good thing I have taken some of my toys, I'll show you how to use them. It will help better to practice in toys before you do it with a real one. At least you'll have the slight feel of it."

"What toys, hyung?"

"I'll show them later." He said whispering to his ear. "You've already come of age. I should gift to you the new toys I bought. They'll be perfect for you."

"Hyung, I think I'm too old for toys." Seokjin said still confused what toys Jimin was talking about.

"Oh, trust me it's for adults."

"Can I see them? I can check if I will like them." He said still thinking of toys for playing.

"You'll definitely like them. I ordered new ones and I'll give them all to you later." Jimin said smirking.

"What are you going to give Seokjin?" Jungkook said suddenly barging in going directly to Seokjin's walk in closet to put in the latter's other luggage.

"Jiminie-hyung said he'll give me---" Jimin suddenly covered his mouth.

"Clothes!" Jimin said. He looked at Seokjin and hushed him not to say further. "You can't tell him. You should surprise him so that you can play the toys with him."

"Oh, the toys were meant to be played with another player? That's exciting." Seokjin said.

Jimin nodded and smirked. "I'll show you later the toys, go to my room before bedtime." He said in a whisper hoping Jungkook will not hear him.

"Okay. Thank you, hyung, you are so kind giving me your new toys."

"Toys?" Jungkook said coming out of the closet.

"I said clothes." Seokjin said quickly. "Jiminie-hyung will give me some of his clothes for college outfit."

"No, Seokjin, Jimin's clothes are too..." Jungkook was not able to complete his sentence as the latter looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Too what, Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"Too revealing. You can't wear those at school."

"But other students are wearing the same! Some are even just wearing shorts." Seokjin said.

"I said no and that's final. I'll carry you back in your room if I see you wear any of Jimin's clothes." Jungkook said. "Jimin, leave Seokjin alone and take care of your luggage, please."

"I'll come back later, Jinnie." Jimin said winking at him.

Jungkook then looked at Seokjin.

"Beware of what you wear in school, I don't want perverts lurking at you and your body. I might not be able to control myself if I see anyone look at you like they've wanted to devour you." Jungkook said then left Seokjin's room.

"What is his problem again? Argh! I really can't do many things when he's around." He said to himself dropping his body on his bed. "Oh! The mattress is nice. I'll ask Jungkook to sleep with me tonight. I'm sure he'll also like the mattress."

He then went out happily looking for Jungkook. "Kookie! Where are you?! The mattress feels so nice! Let's sleep together tonight." He announced in the whole house that made Jungkook blushed since everyone heard him for sure.

Namjoon and Jimin looked at him and he was sure he was blushing a lot because of what Seokjin just announced.

"Someone will have a boner tonight." Namjoon said.

"Fuck you!" Jungkook hissed at him.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now