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It was just me and her forever. Or so I thought

My names Veronica white. V for short. I have a little sister named Elizabeth white and a mom and dad. Well I used to. It was just me and my sister for a long time and I thought it was gonna stay that way, but I was wrong.

2 years ago

Me and my sister were walking home from school together. "That's not true," I laughed pushing her. She stumbled back but caught herself. "It is too" she said. I laughed again "no, since when do lions eat grapes!"
"Since when are you good at math" she shot back. "Point taken" I said. We both cracked up laughing as we walked down the street. "First one to the house wins" I yelled. I ran as fast as I could to our front door beating Lizzy by a mile. (Yeah I call her Lizzy). "Ha I win" I said as Lizzy caught up with me. "No fair!" She pouted. "You got a head start!"
"Too bad" I replied laughing. I dug my house key out of my pocket and pushed the door open. "mom were home!" I called out. No reply. "Mom!" I yelled again. still no reply. I looked around but She wasn't in the house. I just shrugged it off and guessed she was out running an errand. So Me and Lizzy just ran up to our rooms and occupied our selves there.

After an hour mom still wasn't home. I had tried calling her a couple times but she didn't pick up. I was starting to get worried, But of course I Didn't tell Lizzy because I didn't want her freaking out. I mean I was sure everything was going to be fine. Right?

Mom still hadn't come home after a couple hours and neither did dad. Lizzy was starting to freak out but I told her everything was going to be fine. If only I believed that.

Mom and dad hadn't come home and it was already 10:00 pm, so me and lizzy went to bed. When we woke up mom and dad were still no were to be seen so we stayed home waiting for them. And waiting. And waiting.

The next day they came to take us away. I screamed and cried because I didn't want to go, but it was no use. The police looked everywhere but there was no trace of our parents. The only clue the police found was a blood red handprint on the window.

Hey guys so that was the very first chapter of my brand new story called "sisters" I really hoped you guys enjoyed it. I know it was really short but the two first chapters of my story are kind of like cliffhangers. Though I promise the third chapter will be really long like my normal chapters. Also HAPPY 4TH OF JULY if you live in America. So anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter and I will talk to you guys next week. Byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee

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