Leon x Kimmich act 1: Oktoberfest 2023 Bayern Munich

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[Is a another year of 2023 Oktoberfest for Bayern Munich the Bayern Munich team arrival the Oktoberfest🍻🇩🇪 fans happy to see the Bayern Munich team arrival except for Kimmich and Leon]


Kimmich: Happy Oktoberfest babe, you look amazing handsome in that Oktoberfest clothing babe

[Leon]: Thanks, babe! You look stunning too. Let's enjoy the festivities and celebrate our love for Bayern Munich together. Cheers to another amazing Oktoberfest!

[The team and other having some fun time in the 2023 Oktoberfest, well some are talking to some girls and some are take pictures a of the fans]

Kimmich: Say babe, You wanna walk around this place of Oktoberfest and fine some where we can have a kiss💋😘.

[Leon]: Sure, babe. Let's find a quiet spot where we can have some privacy and steal a few kisses. We don't want to attract too much attention from the fans or the other players, right?

[Walking around the Oktoberfest place a fan girl of Leon the hulk player excitedly aproush to him as he gives he aptorgraft]

[Leon]: Thanks for the autograph, but I'm here with my boyfriend Kimmich. We're enjoying our time together at Oktoberfest. Maybe next time!

Kimmich: Men, you almost got away and broke a part from me Leon love❤😕

[Leon]: Sorry, babe. I couldn't resist the excitement of meeting a fan. But you know I only have eyes for you. Let's find that quiet spot now and forget about anyone else around us!

[As they found a quiet spot far near from the Oktoberfest party, Kimmich squish he knee and feeling nervous (😖💗) and blushed can't resist Leon look so much, until then Leon ask him. ]

Leon: What! something wrong Kimmich?

[Kimmich surprise and look at Leon face]

Kimmich: Uh, nothing wrong with me Leon is just that...Uh😳

[Leon]: *Smirks* What's wrong, Kimmich? Cat got your tongue? Don't worry, babe. You don't have to say anything. I can see it in your eyes that you want me just as much as I want you. Let me show you how much I love you...

Kimmich: like uh, what? *Leon come close to Kimmich face*

[Leon]: *Whispers* Like this😏... *Gently pulls Kimmich closer and leans in for a passionate kiss*.

[Pull away from the kiss as Kimmich hug to Leon tight as Leon look down to Kimmich face]

[Leon]: Smiles I love you too, Kimmich. Let's enjoy the rest of our time at Oktoberfest together and make some amazing memories. You are my everything.

Kimmich: Aw I love you too Leon, my handsome hulk muscle men🥰🥰

[Leon]: *Chuckles* I love being called your "handsome hulk muscle man". And don't worry, Kimmich. We'll always be together and make each other happy. Let's go back to the party and show everyone how much we love each other!

[Back at the Oktoberfest everyone was looking at Leon and Kimmich see them of were thay just hold there hands other everyone whisper about them Kimmich was worry about this moment, was it because there homosexuality🏳‍🌈 or are they ♡+Datë+♡]

Kimmich: Leon babe everyone is looking at us😥

[Leon]: Smiles reassuringly Don't worry about what others think, Kimmich. Our love is valid and beautiful. Let them whisper all they want; we know the truth about our relationship. All that matters is how happy we make each other!

Muller: Hey you guys over here come hang out with us your missing out the party🎉

[Leon and Kimmich see muller and the team enjoyed there Oktoberfest time]

[Leon]: *Smiles* Sure thing, Muller! Let's join you guys and have some fun. It's always great to spend time with the team outside of football.

Kimmich: Ja, and Babe, please don't drink to mush, I don't want you to get drunk.

[Leon]: Don't worry, Kimmich. I won't drink too much tonight. We can have fun without getting drunk! Plus, we still have plenty of time to enjoy the festivities together later on.

*5 hours later*

[Muller keep on drinking more German beer, then that time he now drung, and singing crazy and worries, Kimmich and Leon can't get enough of this]

Kimmich: Agh😫😩 that was crazy bad babe let's go home, I can't see some crazy partying and muller is drunk, let's get out of here babe.

[Leon]: *Sighs😓* Yeah, let's go home. Muller can be a bit wild when he drinks too much. But don't worry, Kimmich. We'll have our own fun once we get back to our place!

[Meanwhile at home🏠 of Kimmich and Leon home, as they take a lovely bath together]

[Leon]: Mmm😌, This is relaxing, what I needed after such a long day. Relaxing in the bath with you Kimmich, is truly heavenly. Let's take our time and enjoy each other's company.

Kimmich: It is relaxing here babe, I'm glad were out of muller partying moment, let's have some lovely time together and head to bed

[Leon]: Absolutely, Kimmich. Let's make the most of our alone time and head to bed. I can't wait to snuggle up next to you and drift off into peaceful slumber together.

[Later in bedtime snuggled into bed together]

Kimmich: Goodnight Leon my hulk men

[Leon]: Goodnight, Kimmich. Sleep tight and dream of all the wonderful things we'll do together tomorrow. I love you!

835 words
Complete for a bit and I'll make more stories soon sometime bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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