.. ?!?

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I know what all of you are thinking.
You're all thinking that I've died.
So what if I did
I'm here NOW
But I did die when my brother threw a Bakugon (or however the hell you spell that shit) at me and it hurt a lot and I yelled in pain but nobody woke up :D
My family is very good at sleeping through important occasions
We slept in on the day of Amy's wedding and got there AFTER the reception but apparently it's okay because everybody was sinking into the ground because it was humid that day in Florida
.. We drove from Illinois to Florida
actually there was a huge fire that delayed us because of course someone in Georgia decides that a unsupervised fire is a smart idea
And then there were like 9 wrecks and wow that trip made me realize that there is seriously a lot of wrecks in the span of 2-3 days.
I don't know what this chapter is about but I've gotten on to the topic of being late to how many wrecks there must be in the span of one week
I should google this shit
Gimme a sec..
*270000 hours later*
SORRY IM LATE there was a sniper cat meme
What was I supposed to look for again
Oh yeah
*2 seconds later*
*4 minutes later*
Didn't find by week but I did find by year and I could find by week but I'm really really lazy AT LEAST I GOOGLED THIS FOR YOU not that anybody cares
Car wrecks in 1 year: 5,419,000

I've been in a few car wrecks
My dad choked on soda and started coughing and then turned all the way across a highway and we didn't get hit hopefully and he was 10 inches from hitting a huge ditch and trees when he woke up and slammed on the breaks
Me being a 10 year old Aika had to sit in the backseat because my sister was there before that happened, we had to drop her off at the school, so I just stayed at the backseat because I'm lazy always have been always will be and I tried waking my dad up but I couldn't and I was too scared to take off my seat belt and shake him very fiercely so yeah... Very scared there

There's been a lot more
I've been in like 50 of those 5,419,000 of a certain year
All when I was 10
.. Lucky ducky? I think not.

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