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"Ugh watch were you going man" he said while rubbing his right shoulder as the big musculine man pushed him on his way the man was completely unaware of a new person in the streets of seoul .

The man in black smirked while taking his steps closer to him "oh my mistake can i make it up to you" he put a weight on the word make it up the simple civilian nodded his head being an absolute idiot for making his life decision as a nod .

"Good" the creepy man with an instant twisted his hands while whispering "thankyou for being my target buddy" with that he slice his neck with his sharp metal knife . Small drops of blood sprinkled on his fair skin while his eyes grew bigger of the blood dozing out of the poor man's neck .

He rubbed his hands on his sliced neck submerging his whole palm in blood . "Ah he died easily" he pushed his body to the floor and kicked it to a deep drain sewage .

He took out his handkerchief wiping the blood off his fingers "Seoul I am here your master is here" whistled in the dark alley meanwhile also thinking of his dirty deeds that he could do here .

"Honey how do I look in this" he stopped on his tracks and reversed back to where he heared that voice it was from a shop that he just passed by. His smile grew creepily big as he saw that the voice was of a woman

She was just checking out her long dress and asking her husband if she looks good in that . The husband just smiled at his wife and pecked his wife's forehead

"Aww pure love I see let's make it intense then" he walked towards it ,the things that were going in his mind were worse then anybody could imagine .

For the past 2 hours the shop was in control of him
The females of the neighbouring buildings closed their childrens ears as they could not bear the painful screams they were hearing .

When the patience of the people reach on its peak they assembled near the shop and broke into it together since he is the master of all he was already out of it before anybody could reach there .

When they entered there was no voice to be heared not even a single voice
they spotted a heavily scared cashier holding her bruised stomach.

Everyone asked her "miss what happened here" and what they hear made their heads and voice turned low itself . As if nothing was left to speak now as if now everything is destroyed and yes it was destroyed.

"One man came here he- he tied the husband on the chair and made him see how he takes his wife in himself"

Their eyes diverted to the husband who was just staring blankly to his wife . She fainted of the high intimate pressure on her .

He spoke with his broken voice  "I wish too see you suffer like this I wish to see you beg like I did you will suffer more than I did after all karma exists"

The man who had just broken two lifes was freely walking on the sidewalk
"Ah what a good start 2 sins committed already" just then he received a call from one of his bodyguard

"Sir our mission was successfully completed we got their main junctions and now it's in your control" he chuckled "so what's next" he asked "sir this time it's different than our any other mission"

he furrowed his eyebrows but then his lips curved into a satisfied smile "so what I love new adventures" he blow a kiss to air "sir I am sending the details of this Seoul mission" he declined saying "send it tomorrow I am not in mood right now let me enjoy first" and he hung up the call.

"get ready people Jeon the destroyer is coming for you" he took out his pack of cigarettes taking one of them between his lips and leaned on the wall to passionately puff his cigarette .

- "ya Allah save me save your servant I am in pain"


Jazakallah Khair for reading this my azizi and yea do vote Azizi as it really helps me to continue my work . Hope you have enjoyed this !


Sabr is when you dream of roses but walk on thorns

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