oneshots req page

181 3 16

hello! you can request oneshots here, but you can also req stuff on any page, i dont mind.
and also this is only for the oneshots, im gonna randomly make gcs lol


will do:
fluff (please specify)
scenarios/gc stuff like that

suggestive and slight gore content (no more violence than solarballs shows. collisions are fine. specify if you want collision/core stuff or blood.)

no star x planet/moon, no planet x moon, sorry its just too controversial for me. i dont wanna deal w/ that

will not do:
extreme gore (guts/organs, torture, limb removal etc..)
any form of abuse (r@p3, inc3st, etc)
proships (basically same as above)

warning: my content may include:
swears/cuss words.
sensitive topics. (su1cid3, v1olenc3, ins4n1ty)
dirty/sensitive jokes (kys jokes, sexual jokes, altho not any more than the amount in solarballs)

thats it!! i will occasionaly self-indulge and write oneshots for myself :)

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