💦 Chapter 5 💦

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The entities were in the hangout spot.

They were waiting Jeff and Window to come.

"Let's hope they found him." Jack said.

Something tapped on the window, like a knocking sound.

They all looked where the sound came from.

Window was tapping on the...window.
Jeff was with it.

"So, did you find Seek?" Eyes said, floating where both Jeff and Window were.


H: "There's...there's no way you didn't found him. We can't get past the Hotel walls. We can't get out of here, neither him!"

W: "I'm sorry, but we checked twice every room, we didn't found him."

Jeff nodded.

They a looked each other.

They were scared, but not like Screech.

He was spying on them the whole time.

He frooze in place.

His dad was missing for all these days and they didn't tell him? He thought that they didn't want to startle him, but they couldn't hide it forever from him.

He quickly ran to Figure, in the library.

Also Figure didn't know what happened to Seek, since Screech went to the infirmary the day after Seek went missing.


I was minding my business in the library.

I was thinking about what the others said about Seek.

I don't believe them. Why would Seek decide to stay in the Courtyard for so long, knowing it's pretty cold outside?

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted after someone swung the library doors open.

"Who's that?!" I yelled.

I could hear their breathing.

It was heavy, I think they ran, but I couldn't hear they heartbeat.

I didn't get a response, though.

"Who is this?" I asked, again.

"Figure! Figure! It's important!"

Their voice sounds so childish...maybe I know who this is.


"Yes, it's...me" he sighed.

"You started me. What are you doing here?"

I bought him to my desk, to let him rest.

"Calm down, take deep breaths...now, what's going on?" I asked in a calm voice.

"It's...its about Seek!"

"Hm...what about him? Is he in his room?"

"No, it's worse..."

He looks...scared?...i hope it's nothing bad...

"Tell me." I was actuallystarting to be being impatient.

"He's...hes been missing!"

It felt like a stab in the heart.




It's not true.

He is not missing...right...?



"Figure! You are scaring me!"


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The Exorcism of Seek °~Roblox Doors story~°Where stories live. Discover now