𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4

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Warning ⚠️

Mention of blood

Mention of gore(deeply explained)

That's all

Nightmare had been taking care of horror for a few weeks now and believe it or not he was a great "mama" right now nightmare was feeding horror his milk and then nightmare would go put horror to bed in his room which was the first door after nightmares room and his name was printed into the door in cursive. After nightmare was done feeding horror, he pated his back a bit, nightmare read that it helped babies burp. After horror burped nightmare took him upstairs to his room and laded him in his bed, nightmare then headed to his room and went to his closet that was now full of diapers (unfortunately the bag is empty)and required baby things. But nightmare got his usually nightclothes and got them on, after he got dresses, nightmare sat his desk and did some paper work, it was in a language only he and dream could understand, but then nightmare heard horror crying, so he got up and quickly headed to horrors room. Once nightmare opened the door he found horror completely fine but something was wrong, nightmare then smelt a horrid smell(pun not intended) nightmare then said "ah...I see the problem" nightmare then put horror on the changing table and left to go get a diaper out of his closet, when he got the diaper he noticed it was the last one "ugh...well now I have to go shopping yay..." Nightmare said sarcastically, when nightmare got finished changing horror he went and got his cape that had a hood, it was purple with a moon crescent holding it closed. Nightmare now down stairs with horror in his arms, walked out the door and teleported to the nearest au that had a store nightmare could steal from since nightmare dose undead have enough money, he doesn't was to deal with people or monsters. When nightmare got to the au he said "dusttale" in his head, it was a pretty empty au but nightmare has felt someones presence more than once, and he wants horror to be safe, about 2 hours later nightmares came upon a rundown store, but it looks like it was still good condition, nightmare found a opening and got what he needed, he had teleported it all to the castle. Just as nightmare was leaving a bone attack shot inches away from his face, nightmare wasn't surprised he felt a presence and new someone was following "hmm. Your quite the sneaky one" nightmare said "who are you I thought I killed everyone here!?" The unknown skeleton said. "My name is nightmare but if you don't mind could come out and tell me yours?" Nightmare said calm trying to keep horror calm as well. The unknown skeleton came out of the shadows they had weird eyes one was red with a blueish purple purple and the other was blueish purple with a red purple and they looked like any other sans except the eyes and he was just a kid he look like he was 7-9 years old maybe nightmare was not sure. "Well what's your name kid?" Nightmare asked calmly "dust my name is dust" " well dust do you have a place to stay?" Nightmare asked walking a bit closer. " No I don't...why are you asking? Nightmare felt the same way as when he found horror he couldn't explain it but he just felt a connection to the child. " How would you like to stay with me?" Nightmare asked "what's the catch?" Dust asked unsure of what to chose. " There is no catch I promise, I already have a small friend of my own" nightmare said showing horror just a bit " the only thing I ask is that u do chores or just keep your room clean since you are of age." Nightmare said in addition. "Ok I'll go" dust said "ok is there anything you want to take?" "No" dust said as a response. Nightmare told dust to to hold one of his tendrils, and then they teleport to the castle doors. Nightmare opened the doors and told dust to take a seat on the couch for a minute. After at least 10 minutes nightmare had returned to the living room. "Ok dust I will show you to your room and after we can get you washed up." Nightmare said to dust. "Ok.." dust said as response. "You don't mind if I pick you do you?" Nightmare asked dust. "....no I don't mind " dust said hesitantly. Nightmare picked dust up, dust facing nightmares chest while laying his head on nightmares chest "t-this is quite nice, he feels so cold but it's....warming at the same time" dust thought as nightmare carried him upstairs to his room. When nightmare mare got to the end of the hallway he pick the door across frome horrors room. Nightmare notice that dust was asleep, nightmare hated that he had to wake dust up but he needed a bath. Nightmare woke dust up and told he can take a bath and go to sleep. Nightmare also said they would design dusts room how ever he wants. To be honest dust was happy. A few hours later dust was already asleep but he woke up in the middle of the night, he heard sounds coming from nightmares room so he got out of his bed a went to go check it out, dust cracked nightmares door open. Nightmare could feel dusts presence but kept silent, dust watched as nightmare rocked horror to sleep. Dust was a bit jealous, just as he was about to leave he heard nightmares voice " come here dust..". Dust turned around and walked in slowly "y-yes mo-nightmare" dust said when he was in nightmares room. "Come here" nightmare said in his usually quite calm voice. Dust walked up to nightmare, nightmare picked him up and rocked him to sleep. Dust yawned as he was about to got and said "night mom..." Dust said as he drifted of into a silent slumber. "Night dusty" nightmare said as he laded down himself and went into a deep slumber as well.
I hope u enjoyed chapter 4!

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