Chapter I

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—Try just changing the twenty. — Suho said while his thumb caressed the abdomen of his girlfriend, who was sitting on his lap.

They were both in their typical study nights, where they both reviewed the topics seen that day at school or at the academy they both attended, it was an easier way to study for the exams, they were they first and second place in their class and was because of that.

—But if I change it it becomes a division, and I don't want to divide, Ho. — she complained, dropping her pencil, running her hands through her hair with some frustration.

They had been stuck on that problem for quite some time and it was already bothering her, she hadn't been able to solve it and that made her feel somewhat useless.

Suho smiled when he saw that pretty scene, his girlfriend pouting as she stared intently at the notebook in front of her eyes.

He always liked to see Aera with a small frown on her face, he always liked to see her frustrated by something she thought she couldn't do so she, minutes later, ended up doing it without any problem and a smile on her pretty lips.

Shaking his head before putting his face on the girl's neck, he left a small kiss on her skin to calm her down a little. —Let's stop this now, it's late. — The boy closed the notebook before turning around in his chair, both of them moving their attention away from their notebooks, taking his girlfriend's hips with his arms, he stood up with the girl laughing as she couldn't feel the ground under her feet.

Suho smiled before throwing her onto the bed, suddenly positioning himself on top of her, so as not to let her get up again. The boy's eyes collided with the youngest's, raising his hand to caress her blushing cheek, reviewing her features in detail, going down to her lips, he smiled before tilting his face, letting the two pairs of lips meet in a slow movement, closing his eyes so he could let his senses process all those sensations that that simple action gave him.

The older one's smile did not hide, feeling how the youngest bit his lip slightly before separating and, seconds later, repeating the clash of mouths.

— I have to go, darling.

— Your parents are not at home, they won't know if you don't get to sleep at home today. — The boy said with a pout while he hid his face in the black-haired girl's neck, feeling the sweet chocolatey smell that she emanated, Suho always loved that smell.

Sweet, but without being annoying. Just like her.

— No, but Mrs. Go is at home again and she is very nosy. — The girl caressed the hair of the taller one, who had completely leaned on her, he really wanted her to stay.

Suho sighed, already beginning to feel the tiredness in his system when the soft movement of the younger's fingers on his scalp was felt, making him suddenly sleepy, his hands went down to the girl's waist, caressing her slowly as he felt his eyes close. — Cutie, don't fall asleep, you said you would take me home.

— I'm tired...

— I know, you went to the roof again, right? — Aera knew that her boyfriend visited that place quite often, to that rooftop on one of the tallest buildings in the city, she had done so since Seyeon had died.

Seyeon, her friend, best friend, had committed suicide a year ago, their anniversary would be soon, so Aera knew that feeling of melancholy could have trapped the boy once again and led him to that place.

She didn't mind, at all, that he visited that place, she knew what it was like to lose someone you valued greatly, sometimes she even accompanied him to the roof, letting him feel the fresh night air while they both slept. They sat on a bench that has its place in the same discarded space, just the two of them with their thoughts and each other's company.

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