Chapter 3 | I see you

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Jackson grabbed Mary's hand and led her to the back door of his house.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see" he said and opened the door.

She saw a beautiful scenery. A vast meadow, on two sides surrounded by thick trees. On the right side you could see the wall of a house, as wide as the one where Mary lives. There was no trace of other people there. The view itself was incredibly relaxing. Jackson wrapped his arm around her and took a few steps outside. Mary couldn't believe her eyes. She was only staring with her eyes wide open at the beauty of nature. The boy walked her to the middle and sat down. Mary looked at him with her agate eyes and laid down next to him. Jackson started playing with her hair.

"Do you like it here?" he asked.

"I love it here" she asked. "Why are we here?"

Jackson smiled and laid down next to her. He stroked her hand with his little finger. She looked at him and smiled.

"I wanted to distract you from Casmid at least for a while" he turned his head away and looked at the sky. "Remember that when you feel unsafe you can always rely on me."

"Thank you Jackson. It means a lot."

He took out his phone and handed it to her.

"Can you give me your number?"

"Sure" Mary took the phone from his hand and entered what he asked for. She gave Jackson his phone back. He looked at the screen and asked:

"What am I supposed to save you as?"

"Hmmm..." she hugged him. "Something cute. Any ideas?"

"I think I have one" he wrapped his arm around her waist and started typing. Mary tried to look but he hid the screen from her and laughed. She buried her head in his chest and closed her eyes to enjoy the sounds of nature around them. She took a deep breath. His smell was so arousing it made her weak. Her mouth slightly opened from the pleasure it gave her. Jackson noticed it and put down his phone.

"Don't sleep" he stroked her hand with his finger again. She purred like a cat and giggled.

"Why not?" she asked. "You brought me here so I can relax and I'm doing it".

His face got closer to hers as he whispered:

"Because I wanna kiss you..."

His arm was wrapped around her harder than before. Mary felt his breath on her face and her heart started racing. All of a sudden his lips seemed very tasty and she was craving them. They got closer and closer every moment. She was about to fulfill her cravings, but as they were about to kiss, they heard a commotion coming from the trees in front of them. Mary jumped away from Jackson and started to back away. The noises became clearer and were getting closer to them every second. Mary started to panic but Jackson got to her and grabbed her hand. Suddenly the noises stopped, like the thing that made them decided to freeze. The silence was freaking them out so badly they couldn't move.

"Stay here" he said and let go of her hand. "I'll check what it is. If something happens, run and get help."

Mary nodded. Jackson started to slowly walk towards the trees. When he got close enough, he started to look around. Surprisingly he couldn't see anything.

"There's nothing in here" he screamed. The boy looked around one last time and walked over to Mary. He hugged her and they both went inside the house. Jackson sat down on the couch and patted the space on his right. Mary sat down nervously and asked with a shaking voice:

"Do you think it was him?"

"I don't think so. It was probably a wild animal. There's plenty of them here, mostly at night but still."

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