The Greetings

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Charlie and the other residents have been preparing a party for an individual, Charlie setting up a banner, vaggie setting up some party decors while sir pentious and nifty bake and clean. Alastor the deer radio demon had just walked into the scenery with a confused grin what is all of this about he wondered as he walked into the bar, he sat onto the seat facing husk, as the tired bartender cleans the counter. He looks at husk with a smile and said "what is this for exactly.?" husk paused for a second and told the demon "this is for some party bullshit ion know i don't really give a damn, I'm too sober." the demon widen his eyes a bit and had an annoyed look in his face, he rolled his eyes as he stood up and walked out of the bar looking for Charlie, as he looked around he stepped inside the elevator.

The elevator door closed and he pressed the button to go up to Charlie and vaggies room as he waits, vaggie saw this and decided to follow alastor as she does not feel safe leaving Charlie alone. as the elevator door opened he took a step outside and took a moment to breathe as if he's done something else to make him exhausted, he took a deep breath like he didn't want to interact with anybody at all and as he was about to knock, vaggie managed to catch up to the radio demon and stepped infront of him stopping the demon from knocking "and what exactly do you think you're doing" she says as she points the angelic spear at the demons face. Alastor flinched in shock, took a pause and smirked at vaggie as he puts the spear down using his finger. "oh dear, how frighting haha!. I'm just trying to have a word with Charlie." he says as he look down upon her, the girl let out a small growl and replied "yeah right, if that's the case well then let me gaurd her. Don't even think of doing something stupid" she points her angelic spear once again. The demon stayed silent and just grinned at her, he gently pushed the spear away and knocked on the door. "uh, who's there. come in..!" Charlie said in a worried voice, vaggie then reassuring her girlfriend "its..-" she took a look at alastor and continued "it's me babe, and.. alastor" she says with an annoyed tone, she then opened the door and ran to hug her girlfriend "lovely!" the demon expressed even though his face had a clear annoyed smirk.

The two let go of each other and Charlie looked behind to see the radio demon "oh! Alastor, what brings you here?" alastor taking steps says "well my dear, I've had a short notice that you've all been doing extra work and for what is it about? Clearly it's for celebrating something but it appears to be a bit more than.. 'that' I suppose" Charlie lit up and happily explained "ohh I'm glad you asked! My dad is coming to the hotel, I wanted to give a first good impression for the hotel and so we all agreed to pretty the place up and make him a nice greeting since.. Well I haven't exactly been in contact with him in a while and it's the first time the residents will meet him! So I want this to be grand and special for all of us!"... There was silence in the room but it immediately got interrupted by Charlie, she faced vaggie in a huge smile "I'm so happy you'll finally be meeting him vaggie! This is important, it's a chance to show him what we're working on and maybe we'll get an opportunity to let heaven hear us as well.." vaggie puts her hand on Charlie's face and says "I'm sure it'll be great babe." she pulled Charlie in for a kiss and after the long hug they realized alastor had already left.

Alastor being alone in his room quickly filled with wonders, he wondered what the king of hell himself was like and whats going to happen next, after all Charlie and vaggie had been planning to convince Lucifer to have a meeting with heaven, he wondered for a while and soon enough he fell asleep

~after an hour~

Alastor had just woke up to the knocks coming from outside his room, he rubbed his eyes and stood up taking steps to the door, he opened it with a big smile and said "what is it." he then got greeted by angel dust saying "hey pal look, Charlie's daddy~ is gonna be here any minute now and she wants ya' to go down and celebrate with us so, comin' or what?" the radio demon disturbed rolled his eyes and says "well I suppose I've got nothing else to do, fine then." "great!" angel dust says as he leads the way to the elevator. Not long after they headed to the lobby.

The radio demon got greeted by the others, Charlie happily says "alastor! I'm glad you came, I was kinda thinking you weren't going but hey haha!" she chuckles awkwardly "you're here now soo uhh he should be here by now" as they all await at the door a knock came in so they quickly opened the front door and they all meet eyes with the king of hell himself, lucifer morningstar.

not even a second passed and the king immediately hugged his beloved daughter "ah- h-hey dad!" Charlie says getting shocked by the sudden hug of his father "Charlie!!" lucifer says as he tightly hugs his daughter, he saw razzle and dazzle behind and let go of the hug, before Charlie could speak he got excited seeing the two babies "Razzle! Dazzle!" he giggles as he pets the two. "ahaha.." Charlie chuckles awkwardly, and introduced everyone. "dad.. This is vaggie! She's my girlfriend" as the king awkwardly interacted with everyone alastor decided to wander off in his own thoughts "is this really THE king of hell!?" his mind filled with thoughts. He then came up to the king and introduced himself "ah lucifer! Please to be meeting you sir, quite the pleasure!" the king turned his attention to the tall demon who quickly gained his attention for reasons he doesn't even know himself "who's this" he says in a lame tone "I'm alastor the radio demon." he says as his radio filter cracks.

~Later on~

The two has suddenly gone into some stupid fight which made Charlie nervously pull his dad away and start the tour of the hotel. Vaggie turned to alastor and with an annoyed look says "wow, good job making a good impression." she walks away trailing the two father and daughter duo as they tour around the hotel. Alastor being a bit salty followed them turning into a shadow until lucifer got lost in the hotel while following vaggie and Charlie, alastor realized he was following lucifer and just lucifer instead of the three, lucifer found a rubber duck inside a storage room, the door was open with a chair on the side of the door and so he walked righ in thinking absolutely nothing of it, being unaware that the lock was broken alastor had also followed lucifer shutting the door as a way to scare the man a bit. not knowing they've locked both of themselves in a not so big storage room.

okay so this isn't exactly what was on the comic I said, if you didn't read the description I explained that this is based off of a comic.
Well we haven't gotten into that part yet soooo next chapter will be uhh well it might be spicy/cute 🤭

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