Chapter 8

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Seokjin was happily showering, excited to lay down on his bed. He noted that he should call Jungkook again after he showers because he did not answer to him earlier when he told him that they should sleep together.

When he was still a child, Jungkook would sleep with him because he always cries at night. Jungkook would always tell him that his mattress is soft and nice so he doesn't have to cry at night because it would soak the mattress and will damage its perfect shape.

He believed Jungkook but later on he realized that it would take gallons of water for his mattress to be ruined, but still he loves sleeping with Jungkook so it should be fine.

"Oh, Jiminie-hyung said we'll play with his toys. I'll go to his room before Kookie's." He said then finished his shower. He wore his bear pajamas then went to Jimin's room.

He knocked when he was in front of his door and Jimin immediately opened the door.

"Jinnie! Come inside."

"Thank you, hyung. I remember you told me about some toys that me and Kookie would enjoy. What toys were you talking about?" He asked Jimin.

"Oh... that... hmmm... so, you have to make sure you'll keep this a secret first until you are ready, okay?"


"Because they are not ordinary toys. They would make you feel things you've never felt before. They're like magic." Jimin said.

"Will they make me feel good when I'm sad."

"Oh, definitely!" Jimin said excitedly.

Seokjin's eyes grew wide upon hearing that. "Show me!"

"Promise me first!"

"I promise."

"Not even Kookie?"

"Well, if he's going to play that with me, why can't he know it?" Seokjin asked Jimin.

"Well, because you have to get used to it first before you play with him. Are you ready to see it?"

Jin nodded.

Jimin showed him all the sex toys he recently purchased and when Seokjin saw them, his eyes grew wide and he instantly know what they are. He blushed when he realized Jimin thought he will use them with Jungkook.

"Hyung... t-this a-are n-not o-ordinary toys." He said blushing.

"Oh! That's interesting. You know what they are?" Jimin asked with a smirk.

Seokjin nodded again but now looking down.

"Why do you know what these toys are?"

"I-I watched s-something before." Seokjin answered.

"Hm, can you tell me what did you watch?"

"I was just checking how to kiss! Hyung, please don't tell Kookie that I watched it. He said I should not watch those but I wanted to know how to kiss. And then the video appeared, I've watched how they use something like this..." Seokjin said pointing at the dildo " stretch the hole in the butt. They put this..." he said pointing to the lube... "to make it slippery. When Kookie saw me watching it, he got mad. He said it's not for baby, but I'm not a baby!"

"Why did you want to watch people kissing?"

"I--I saw you and K-kookie kissed many times. I-I thought maybe Kookie likes a good kisser so I want to practice."

Jimin did not know Seokjin have seen them do it. He feel sorry for Seokjin as he did not mean to make him feel bad.

"Hyung, d-do you usually kiss Kookie?"

Jimin did not know what to say. Him and Jungkook were just physical and it was not because they liked each other. He felt guilty that Seokjin saw it. They were just teenagers that time and they're just doing it out of convenience of having someone to do it with. It was not Jungkook's first time that is why he took really good carr of Jimin, considering he was his first.

"Jinnie..." Jimin started, holding Seokjin's hand. "You have to understand that whatever happened between me and Jungkook were not intentional and not out of love. I want you to remember that you only have to kiss the one you love. Don't be like me or Jungkook. We kiss people out of lust not because of love and need.

What we did was wrong and I feel guilty that you have seen that."

Seokjin looks at Jimin intently understanding what he said.

He then blushed again.

"How does it feel to kiss Kookie?" He asked.

Jimin chuckled. "I am sure you'll have a different feeling about it than me. I don't have feelings for him so I did not dig deeper on the feel of his mouth or his lips. There's no emotion in our kiss, so it's nothing for me." He said shrugging.

"How can you say that about Kookie?! Kissing him is not just nothing. I-I haven't e-even k-kissed him but I am sure it will be nice." He said.

"I'm sure you will feel special when you kiss him." Jimin said patting his head.

"Thanks, Jiminie-hyung." He said while looking at the toys.

"Keep them and use them when you're ready. Do not let Jungkook see it. Watch more videos so you would know how to use them."

"Kookie will get mad!" Seokjin said.

"If he catches you." Jimin said winking at Seokjin while packing the toys in a box. "Keep them. You'll be able to use them." He said and Seokjin blushed again with what Jimin thinks. "Go back to your room and hide them from Jungkook before you go to his room."

"Okay." Seokjin nodded.

He then went to his room and hid the box inside his walk-in closet.

"I was looking for you." Jungkook said when he saw Seokjin. "You were not here earlier."

"I am not?" Seokjin asked. He realized what he said then immediately corrected himself. "I was here. I was just fixing my clothes." He said.

"No, you're not. Where did you go?"

Seokjin pouted at Jungkook. "I just went to Jiminie-hyung's room."

"Why would you lie to me earlier?" Jungkook asked frowning.

"I did not! I was fixing my clothes before you arrived because they fell! Why are you mad?"

"I am not mad." Jungkook said then sighed. "I'm sorry. Let's go to sleep, hm?"

Seokjin smiled and ran to Jungkook to hold his hand. "Okay, Kookie!" He said then pulled Jungkook to the bed.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now