10. "Seaweed brain"

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THE KIDS HAD APPROACHED ATHENA'S TEMPLE, Annabeth was confident that Echidna wouldn't approach the kids when they got in. Erika was not really paying attention to Annabeth that much, but she kinda thought maybe she could trust Athena in this one. Maybe she could finally stop hating her best friend's mother.

"This is how you show Athena your love. A monument to the power of perfection." Annabeth said as the kids got in the temple, Monroe tried to move away, but Percy would just go near her anyway.

"It's a monument to some other stuff, too." Grover said.

"You're talking about what some humans want this place to be about. I'm talking about what it actually is." Annabeth explained.

"Whatever." Grover responded, looking around before he looked at Athena's daughter, "We're safe here, right?" He asked, looking at Annabeth.

"No monsters can enter. Not even Echidna We're safe." Annabeth said as she looked at Erika, "You alright?"

Erika nodded, saying yes. "I suppose this is the only time I can trust your mother in this." She said, Annabeth very much knew Erika's hatred for Athena, but the two of them never really talked crap about each other's godly parent.

"Okay." Grover said, "Well, since our train exploded, I'm gonna see if there's another one we can get tickets on. We can't stay here forever." He said before his gaze went from the demigods to a painting of animals being tortured. "Just because we're prey doesn't mean we need to be helpless." He said, looking back at the demigods.

"He doesn't like it when people mess with animals." Percy said as Grover walked off.

"Yeah. We know," Annabeth said, looking at the satyr walk off. "I shouldn't have snapped at him, I just.. I know."

Erika sighed, "So, this is your mom's place?" She asked, looking around the room. "Wonder if she's around."

Annabeth stayed quiet. Of course, Erika hated Athena, but she'd never mock Annabeth's mom like that, Erika just looked at Annabeth.

"Be right down! Just going to the potty!" Percy imitated posh woman, making Annabeth chuckled as Erika just cracked a smile at him.

"Nice, seaweed brain." Erika said, putting the nickname on him already.

"I have a gift, war girl." Percy responded. Annabeth inhaled and chuckled at the two's playful banter. "I guess you were right, by the way. We needed a safe place, and your mom had one waiting. Pretty lucky we happened to be in the right city for it." Percy said as he looked at Annabeth.

"Luck or fate?" She asked, looking back at Percy as Erika stood by her side. "I know you think it'd all just in my head. That... That I tell myself my mother cares because it's easier that way." Annabeth responded, looking at Percy.

"I didn't say that." Percy responded, looking at Annabeth, "Look, I've only been a demigod since... last Saturday. You shouldn't listen to me, you should listen to Erika, She's more experienced than me." Percy said, looking at Erika as he mentioned her name.

"You know, this is my mother's place, but a temple is a temple." Annabeth said, "Maybe you two can say hi to your dad's while we're here."

"I don't even think Ares would be in Athena's temple, even if he was. He wouldn't meet his kids." Erika said, looking at Annabeth.

"No thanks." Percy responded to Annabeth.

"What could it hurt?" Annabeth asked the both of them.

"Your thing with your mom." Percy said to Annabeth, "I get it. It's different. It works for you. But my father.. I don't want anything from him. He's had his chances. Honestly, you two have done more for me in the past few days than my father has done his entire life. If I have to stick with someone, I -" he paused, remembering what he had said to Erika at Medusa's house.

"Careful. I think you were about to call me a friend." Erika said, Annabeth just cracked a smile. "Also, when you said, "You two have done for me more than my father has done my entire life" line, I thought we weren't friends, seaweed brain? Relax. I'm just joking. However, I do know what you're going through. Trust me, Ares is not a great dad to be around. Somewhere around here the Oracle is laughing at us."

"But you know -- Whoa!" Annabeth began saying before Percy almost fell to the floor, luckily Erika caught him in time.

"Percy!" Annabeth said as Erika held Percy tightly.

"Hey! what happened?" Grover asked as he ran upto the three.

"I think... I think those stinger things were poisonous." Percy said, Erika helped him up as soon as Annabeth mentioned that she has an idea.

Her idea was to splash water at Percy. Erika stood at the side, letting Grover and Annabeth splash Percy. She just felt so embarrassed right now.

"The water cured him back at camp, it should work for poison too, right?" Annabeth asked worriedly.

"You know, I think it's - I think it's working. This was a great call." Percy said as he tried to get up but fell on his butt. "Or not."

"Maybe it needs to be naturally running water for Poseidon to be able to heal him." Erika suggested from the side, suddenly, the kids noticed a car being throwing away, which could mean one thing, Echidna's arrival.

"Okay. We need to get back inside." Annabeth said.

"No, we need to keep trying." Grover responded.

"This isn't working. And she's coming." Erika responded, the kids could literally see Echidna walking like a model towards the kids.

"Okay, look, we'll take Percy inside, and we'll go to the temple's altar." Annabeth suggested as they got up.

"Altar? Where is there an altar?" Grover asked, confused as he looked at Annabeth.

"The highest point, the best view." Annabeth responded.

"Okay, but what good is that even gonna do us?" Grover asked. Erika hated to admit this, but she walked up to Percy and wrapped his arm around her neck, getting him on his foot as she tried not to choke on how tightly he was grabbing her.

"We're gonna get to the altar, and we're going to ask my mom for help." Annabeth said.

"I thought we don't ask for help." Percy asked, almost clinging onto Erika for support.

"Come on, let's get moving." Annabeth said as the four went inside.

There was eery whispering that Annabeth heard, "Guys d-- did you hear that?" Annabeth stammered, Erika stopped walking for a second to look at her.

"Hear what?" Grover asked, looking at Annabeth.

"Never mind. Come on." Annabeth responded as the kids went inside.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now