11. Athena's betrayal 💀

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"PLEASE TAKE YOUR SEATS. THE TRAMS ARE ABOUT TO DEPART." That was the main thing the kids heard by the announcer. The four made their way onto the lift, Erika standing beside Percy as the others sat down.

"What was that back there? What did you hear?" Percy asked, concerned.

"She spoke to you." Annabeth responded.

"Alecto did that with me back in the museum in New York." Percy admitted, "What did she say?"

Before Annabeth could respond, she saw Echidna, inside of the goddamn temple with a shadow behind her.

"Was that the Chimera?" Grover asked, Erika, who was crossing her arms, stood up, shocked. "I think... I think that was the Chimera."

"Annabeth.. how did the Chimera even get inside here?" Erika asked, looking at Annabeth, who kept her gaze down.

"How did any monster get inside here?" Grover asked.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked, looking at Annabeth, "We're in a sanctuary. Athena would have had to let her in." He added.

"Annabeth.. why would Athena do that? Annabeth! What did Echidna say to you?" Erika asked. It wasn't even a request for Annabeth anymore. It was like a demand.

"She said that my impertinent wounded my mother's pride. And that that will be my doom." Annabeth responded.

"Annabeth.. We are in your mother's place right now. Is your mother seriously killing us right now? What kind of goddess is she?" Erika said, not angry but upset right now.

"I embarrassed my mother." Annabeth responded.

"But im the one who sent the head to the Olympus. I signed the note." Percy said, looking at Annabeth.

"And I went along with it." Annabeth responded, looking back at Percy. "It embarrassed her. Now, she's angry."

"Guys, what are we gonna do?" Grover asked.

"She isn't gonna help us when we get to the top to save Percy." Annabeth said before her gaze shifted to Erika, who looked betrayed, maybe. Just maybe Erika thought she could trust Athena FOR ONCE. But the goddess of wisdom turned out to be a million times worse than Ares.

"No I meant, what are we gonna do about Echidna and Chimera?" Grover asked, looking at Annabeth. "They're gonna be right behind us."

"You do realise that Chimera is gonna kill us, right? What was the point of staying in your mom's place if she never really helped us!" Erika said, Her voice almost loud enough to be considered as yelling.

"I'm sorry.." Annabeth said softly, looking at Erika, who just looked back at Annabeth with disappointment. The elevator door dinged, and Percy grabbed Grover as they went to the top floor.

"We're not gonna have much time." Annabeth said. "They'll be up here any minute. And if my mother isn't going to protect us, then we'll just have to fight it up here." Annabeth said, looking at Erika, who was muttered under her breath.

As they reached the top, there were people there already.

"We gotta get everybody outta here." Erika said before her gaze went to the fire alarm. Before they all knew it, Erika pressed the button

"You, Percy, and Grover follow them down." Erika said.

"What? No, no, no. We're not splitting up." Grover said.

"Grover, come on." Erika said.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, we're all getting out of here together." Percy responded, looking at Erika as Annabeth nodded in agreement.

"Erika, we can't leave you alone!" Annabeth said, looking at Erika.

"We won't make it. The Chimera is the demigod-killer. Someone has to stay back to slow her down and buy everyone some time." Erika said as she made Grover and Annabeth move behind the line. "Come on." She said softly this time, getting her weapons ready as she practically tried to push Annabeth and the others away for their safety.

"Okay, help him down the stairs and get him to the river." Erika said as the three stepped behind the door. "And don't stop. Not till you get to Hades, not till you have the bolt, do you hear me?"

Annabeth was on the verge of crying, This was so scary. What was even scarier? Erika was acting like Thalia. Gosh, It was bringing back so many flashbacks that Annabeth wasn't ready to see again.

Percy and Annabeth nodded, saying no, before Erika could say anything else, the door behind her opened, which she summonded a sword. "Okay, go." Erika said, almost closing the door.

"Wait." Percy said as he stopped the door with his hand, he took his pen out and made it into the riptide. "Take this." He said.

Erika hesitated, but she took the riptide. Before she even knew it, Percy dragged her inside and went in her place, closing the door.

"Hey! Percy!" Grover said as Erika banged on the door.

"Percy! Percy, you're mad!" Erika yelled from outside.

"This is the end, sweetheart. Don't fight it." Echidna said, looking at Percy. "You'll just make her angry."

Chimera growled as it came towards Percy before they started fighting, Erika was concerned. She had her mouth covered as she listened outside of the room.

"It's gonna be alright." Grover said it was like he was convincing himself.

Since Echidna had broken the floor, where Percy was thrown off to, Percy was holding onto the land. "So unfair. You never had a chance, did you? If only someone'd cared enough for you to provide you with one."

By that, Percy let go, He fell as there was silence. Erika was silent. Grover looked at her expression as she looked like she was about to cry, Grover grabbed Erika and pulled her into a hug, pulling Annabeth in as well.

Percy fell over to the river, Fortunately, he was still alive. Of course, he's the son of Poseidon, and nothing could happen to him.

However, unaware of that, Percy was struggling to go to the surface.

"You are frightened." A voice said. "It's all right, Percy. Your father has sent me to tell you. It's all right. Just breathe. Your father is here. He's always been here. It is so hard for him to stand back. To see you struggle. It is so hard for us all. But he's here. And he's so very proud. Trust him. Trust yourself. Just... breathe."

Percy took the advice and started breathing deeply.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now