𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

212 6 2

A/N: this is now errors part of the story)

Warning ⚠️

Fluff and angst 🌸💦

Haptaphobia (fear of touch)

Mistakes in grammar and spelling


Geno was stuck in the white void he stared in, he tried to teleport and he tried to yell. After days that turned into months that turned into years the voices stars yelling back... Geno couldn't take it it felt like he was being touched, since he hadn't had any contact with any one since he got stuck, he formed a fear of being touched a bad fear of being touched if fact. One day error started to glitch more than usual, next thing he knew he felt his conscious slip way. When he woke up he seen that his body was a different color( a lightish brown he was originally white, no disrespect to anyone) and he felt his body glitch a bit. Geno decided to look at his status

Name: Error Sans

LV: 90
HP: 100

ATK: 1000


Gender: male

Role: destroyer of au's

Lover: nightmare sans
Friend(s): nightmare sans

*Doesn't know who "nightmare" is

Error is confused, his lover and only friend was midnight. Error then says
"Wh0 !$ N!gh!+m@r€?(who is nightmare)" error was also surprised with his voice, and his  name his name was geno not error. He liked the name, so he went along with it. About six months in the void and being the god of destruction error had got use to it, he had also gotten use to having the strings on his face. He often use them to make puppets or dolls of au's, error knows all the au's that are created. Error was destroying a au that was forgotten by ink, when error was done he head back to the anti-void only find ink, dream, and blue waiting for him. "Error! I can't let you destroy anymore au's!" Ink yelled "maybe if you stop forgetting about them ink stain I wouldn't have to" error said a bit loud while in the air held by his strings. Error made a movement with his hand which made string wrap around inks legs, but he doged them just barely. Dream shot error in the leg and blue got a few got hits in. Ink then swung paint on error knocking him out, ink and the other stars left error on the ground.
(A/N: this now nightmares part again)

Nightmare was sitting at his desk working on some papers while dust and horror were still sleeping. Then nightmare felt a lot of negativity he couldn't tell from where though, and that was not normal. Nightmare knows every au all gods or balances do, whether it be by name or au sometimes both. Nightmare wrote a note a stuck it on dusts head(wow that's...ok whatever) so he would see it when he wakes up. Nightmare then left to find the au or place that was emitting so much negativity, as much as he loved it he had to keep the balance. Nightmare had looked everywhere and couldn't find the au. Nightmare had no choice but to focus his mind on the negativity to create a mental map to it. When he found he was surprised it wasn't an au but a voied, nightmare teleported to the voied and the negativity got a lot stronger, nightmare was sure this was where it was. Nightmare walked for what felt like hours until he came upon someone, he found them unconscious and was bleeding a lot, nightmare ran up to the person on the ground. He knew exactly who did this when seen paint, bones and a positivity arrows, nightmare picked up the unconscious being and took him back to the castle to heal them. Nightmare teleported to the medical room in the castle but before he got started he yelled "Dust I'm back are you ok?" Then he heard "I'm ok mom" after that nightmare got to work on helping the person, it took a hour to heal them and bandage them up, nightmare put them on his bed in his room so he could keep a eye on them just in case they wake up, he didn't want dust or horror hurt or worse killed. Four hours had went by and nightmare was now done with his work, the unconscious person had started to wake which caught nightmares attention so, he turned to and waited for them to wake up. Error opened his eyes and slowly sat up, remembering everything that happened his eyes shot open and he looked around then he asked not yelling "where am I!? And who are you" look at nightmare. Nightmare then said getting out of his chair and standing a few feet away from error " I am nightmare the king of nightmares and god of negativity" error then remembered checking his states when he pass out a few years ago
"I know you my stats said you were my friend and lover but my only lover and friend was someone named midnight." Error said, nightmare was shocked, the only person who would have knew that was......geno. nightmare held his tears back and then said " well I have a offer." Error looked at nightmare after he said this and said "and that is?" Nightmare answered by saying "I know you are a god but you seem to stugle fighting paint freak and his friends, so you could live here and do your job all I ask is that you do chores, don't hurt my kids and keeps your room clean." Error was hesitant and asked "what else is there to I know you won't just let me stay without something else.." "there is nothing else I ask of just those things also don't worry I won't touch you and I'll inform my little ones as well" error look at nightmare with surprise and said " I accept but how did you know about that?" Nightmare just giggled a little and said "I'm the god of negativity, I know all negative things about anyone, I even have your file" error was surprised but spared the questions. "So where will I be sleeping?" Error asked "I will show you your room but is there anything you wish to take from that void of yours?" Nightmare said. error was a bit embarrassed but said a bit quietly but loud enough for nightmare to hear. "Could I bring my beanbag and dolls?" Nightmare just noded as a "yes". Error went and got his things nightmare followed. Nightmare showed error his room which was diagonally across from dusts room, nightmare also told error that he could decorate it how ever he wanted. Error had been staying at the castle for one month now, and he loved it nightmare didn't ask for much he even trusted error around dust and horror when he has to leave. But to be honest error was starting to like nightmare not as friend but something more, nightmare reminded error of midnight. Always calm, a quiet voice, and the thing error loved the most he was kind in his own way, he was also very beautiful. Error woke up in the middle of the night to get some water, error put his slippers which was made from his strings. Error walked out of his room and down the hallway to go downstairs to kitchen expecting no one to be down there. Nightmare looked up due to a sound coming from the stairs, nightmare was being protective because he was feeding horror. Nightmare calmed down when he recognized the negativity, it was errors. Error walked in the kitchen and jumped back when he seen nightmare there. "Holy sh!t night!? You can't scare me like that." Error said with surprise. "My apologies, but I must admit you gave me a scare as well" nightmare said while holding horror. ",Anyway why are you up?" Error asked while walking over to the cabinet to get a cup. "Well for starters I'm feeding horror some warm milk and second I don't sleep." Nightmare said. " Wait what!?" Error said turning around to face nightmare, realizing that nightmare doesn't sleep. " Please be quiet error I just got horror back to sleep." Nightmare said pointing at horror with his free hand. " Right sorry....but do really not sleep?" Error said a bit worried and scared of the answer he would get. " No I don't, as the king of negativity I can't... unfortunately" nightmare said while getting up and heading towards the steps, and also whispering the last part. " I'm going to put horror to bed and then I will come back to answer your questions since you obviously have some". Nightmare said when he reached the steps. Nightmare came back a few minutes later and sat down and the table. " So what do want to ask me?" Nightmare said.
"Umm why can't you sleep as the god of negativity?" Error asked.
"Well if I were to go to sleep right now I would probably wake up ina panic because I'm am constantly tormented by voices and the same dream." Nightmare said with a little bit of hesitantce in his voice. Error was quite for a bit to proses everything nightmare just said then he was broken out thought by nightmare saying " error is there anything else you wish to ask of me?". " O-oh um what is it like working as the king of negativity?" Error said as a response.
" Hmm well I guess you could say miserable. I mean you have to hold all the negativity in the multiverse. But there are good things to it like having files of every living being, that includes you, I also have files of every negative au". Nightmare said trying to make it as understandable as possible. " Is there anything else?'' nightmare asked. " No but is there anything you have to ask?" Error said a bit shy. "Hmm yes there is....where did you get the hair pen?" Nightmare asked ready to attack because that was the hair pen he gave geno. " I got it from my best friend and lover, his name was midnight but I ended up getting dragged in to the void you found me in and ended like this." Error said trying to make it short but detailed. Nightmare was surprised but didn't show since he was close to emotionless but nightmare just said " I missed you my dearest glitchy.". Error looked at nightmare with his eyes widened. " How do you know that Nick name the only person who knew that was......................midnight".
Error said realizing and putting the puzzle pieces together. Nightmare gave error a warm smile which caused error to have tears in his eyes. " Nighty? Your my nighty?" Error said with tears In his eyes and slowly moved to nightmare. Nightmare held his arms out to error for a hug. ( wow error is really special) error picked nightmare up and spent him around then put him down. " Oh my god I missed you so much, I'm so sorry I left you that day..." Error said with sadness but joy as well. " It's ok, I know that you would never leave me like that even if you tried." Nightmare said while hugging error.
"S-so-so dose th-this make us a couple again...." Error said hesitantly
And with fear of the answer. " Only if you want to my love" nightmare said still cuddling error. " Then yes" error said picking you nightmare a heading upstairs, error had finally made it to nightmares room. Nightmare had ended up falling asleep while on the way to his room. Error put nightmare on his bed and tucked him in, error then kissed nightmare on the forehead and turned to leave. But when turned around he felt at tug only to turn back around to find nightmare with tears in his eye. "Please don't leave me again".... Nightmare said with sadness. " Oh nighty I won't leave you again I promise". Error said getting in to the bed and holding nightmare close to him. Nightmare ened up falling asleep peacefully that entire night.

I hoped you enjoyed chapter 5

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