Chapter One.

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Nobody's Perspective.

" Get yo ass down here. Clean this kitchen Keytrell!" A deeper voice could be heard from the kitchen making Kaelyn jump.

" I ah be right back, I'm just gonna go wash these dishes dad!" Nine year old Keytrell spoke softly removing the binder off her lap. Standing up dusting her poka dot tights off grabbing the phone.

" Just take me witchu, we could talk while u washing the dishes my baby." Kentrell spoke, as he took a pull from his blunt feeling it hit his chest before he blew the smoke out.

" Okay da!" She smiled putting the phone by her side as she slipped her flipflops on walking towards the kitchen. " What all you wanted me to wash?" She asked stepping on the stool that was infront the sink. " All them, and plus these dishes right here." Her Grandma's Boyfriend spoke up and she nodded.

She grabbed the sponge applying dish soap allowing it to get foamy before she started to scrub and wash the dishes. " When are you gonna come see me again." Keytrell smiled playing with the bubbles as she rinses the cup. " Sometime this week, I miss you bubba mama doing better now tho." Kentrell said looking at his shoes sighing.

Kentrell knew that was a lie. To him it looked like Maddie's condition was only getting worser. She stopped eating, and she could barely even drink. It was like the doctors were giving up on her and it hurt Kentrell every time he seen the way she look so sad in the hospital. He was beyond heart broken for him and Keytrell. He couldn't even spend time with Keytrell anymore.

" I can't wait to see mama again, and when she cook again imma show her my new tricks and how I make cookies from scratch dada!" Keytrell shouted excitedly as she imagined baking the best cooking with her mama inside her.

" Yeah?! I can have some of your cookies." Kentrell asked and she nodded as if she could see him. " Yeah dad! Of course! You can have anything you want." Keytrell smiled as she finished washing the dishes.

Kentrell was on break at the moment. It was hard for him to pay off the medical bills so he had to pick up two jobs. Of course his mother tried to help which is why she offered to take in Keytrell while he worked his twelve hour shift. Which was still barely enough. He needed to get money the ' fast way ' which is why he started to sell things. He kept Trains and Percocet's on him at all times. He always sold weed and he was making quadruple amouts of money then he was with his job.

That was something he knew Maddie would be so angry at but he couldn't help it. He wanted her to be home with him. And Keytrell and The baby that was in her stomach. He wanted her to be able to be with them and not have a weak heart. He couldn't deal with two of his favorite girls having a weak heart or weak immune system. " uhoh, Steph! The water is not going down!" Keytrell shouted turning the water off as she watched it get stopped up wondering what happened.

" What the fuck Keytrell! You stopped the sink up stupid ass bitch why the fuck would you put grease inside!" He screamed pushed Keytrell off the stool into the refrigerator making her scream dropping the phone.

This shook Kentrell back into reality. " I'm sorry I didn't mean too! I didn't know." Keytrell said rubbing her head that was now aching because of how hard she hit the refrigerator. Steph didn't care at the moment he let his anger take over. His mother had been is the hospital at her worse and he couldn't do nothing but take his anger out on Keytrell.

Which was sad because he really loved Keytrell, after all he thought of her as his Grandchild but in this moment everything swept passed him. " Go to your room now!" He shouted and Keytrell quickly nodded attempting to grab the phone that was on the floor. Steph noticed and grabbed the phone putting it tin the counter. " nooo!" Keytrell yelled snatching the phone back which made him even angrier.

" Bitch! " his smacked her with his wet hands making the smack hurt even more and sound extra louder. " you stupid ass bitch." He kicked her before he sent three punches to her as Keytrell grabbed the phone balling up in the corner.

" Get the fuck out." He punched her again before he put his leg up high stomping her, Keytrell got up quickly rushing to the room and when she got inside she locked the door scared for her life.

The android was all wet by now so Keytrell tried her hardest to fix it but nothing was working. She decided she would just sit it in the sun and that s exactly what she did. She opened the window putting it on the window counter before she heard the front door opening. She didn't do anything she heard a voice downstairs hearing her Grandma's voice she felt safe for once and she opened the door revealing her Grandma and Steph standing at the door fussing.

" what the fuck happened to your face key!" Her grandma ran to her looking at the scratches that were all over her face especially this one mark that was like a cut in between her eye going down to her lips. " It's okay! I'm fine can I go outside and play," Keytrell said sticking her bottom lip out. Her grandma nodded in suspicion but she allowed Keytrell to go outside and play since the park was in the middle of the community.

" inni miny minnie mo-" Talen Started counting before he spotted Keytrell walking outside. He waved her over making everyone's attention shift to her as she ran over there joining in. " Hey guys!" Keytrell spoke making everybody said hey or waddup back except for Jakahd making her frown. But she waved it off and finished playing.

" Man, Leah come on, nobody got time to be out here all day.. I still wanna play the game." Jakahd mugged the Little kids who were playing Hide in Seek. He thought they were lame. They were hiding in plain sight and they were totally not as cool as his friends. Since he was Two years older than them. He didn't wanna hand around them cause they were ' Babies' in his eyes.

" Can you wait dang, My bestie just got out here!" She shouted at him as she got caught referring to Keytrell who smiled at her. " Talen, Why is you playing with these little ass babies." Jakahd said and Talen looked at him with a mug.

" They fun ta be around, these my dawgs.. don't get me wrong tho you is my dawg too but you act like you can't play with them one time." Talen spoke and Jakahd huffed. He walked over to the crowd as he listened to the game they were gonna play next.

" I'm not kissing no nine year old." Jakahd gagged and Keytrell laughed at him. " No one wants to kiss you. You're an old man! Lazy self." Keytrell teased making everyone bust out laughing leaving Jakahd angry.

" Okay, Spin the damn bottle." He spoke up sitting down in the back of the yard. Keytrell spent the bottle and it landed right on Jakahd. He looked at her before she stood up and he did too.

" I thought you didn't wanna kiss a nine year old. I'm going home." Keytrell spoke up looking him up and down before she waved at everyone walking away. Jakahd always had a little crush on Keytrell. He couldn't show it because he thought he was too old for her. He liked the way she looked even thought she always had scratches on her body she was still beautiful to him. She was even a tomboy so she would always beat on him or Play the game with him.

" Ok, well imma just walk you home. Old man Steph would like that." Jakahd spoke truthfully as he walked behind Keytrell before they turned a corner that was blocked off from everyone.

" Can we still kiss tho." He looked at her and she shrugged as she stood at the corner wiping the lipgloss that was under her lips. Jakahd leaned in kissing her lips once and she smiled as they walked hand in hand towards her Grandma's house.

" Iah see you tomorrow Keytrell?" He said as he stopped infront the fence and she turned around a nodded. " see you tomorrow KK." She said and he nodded watching as she walked inside the house before the door close. He took the shortcut seeing her in her room dancing to the music that played on her tv. He knocked on the window pointing at the Android that was now on. He waved before he ran home.

She went to the window raising it up watching as he ran through the gate making her giggle and she grabbed the phone texting her dad.

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