12. The arrival of Erika's father

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Erika, Annabeth, and Grover were outside of the temple. The police were investigating almost everyone as Erika and Annabeth looked around.

"They're looking at us." Grover said, not looking in the same direction as Annabeth was, She was staring at three grandmas who were knitting, looking at the demigods.
"Yeah." Annabeth said.

"So we should probably get outta here, don't you think?" Grover said as Erika looked at the ladies. One of them pointing her scissors right at the three

"Dude, they're looking right at us." Erika said, looking away from the ladies as Annabeth did the same.

"What?" Annabeth asked, looking at Erika and Grover. The three felt almost everyone's eyes on them. "Come on. Let's go find Percy."

"Annabeth.." Grover began before Annabeth cut him off.

"He's alive. I know it." Annabeth responded, Grover nodded before the two began walking away from everyone.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled.

"Percy!" Grover yelled.

Erika stayed quiet, clearly pissed off at Athena, and at Percy.

The three crossed a bridge before they reached the river area, where they saw Percy get on the land. They stared at him. "Hi." Percy said, Erika slowly walked towards Percy. "Look, I'm sorry about shoving you in the stairwell. Even hearing myself say that sounds really bad, but I just - I knew you'd never agree, and there wasn't enough time - " Erika cut Percy off before she hugged him tightly.

"Not a word." She whispered into Percy's ear.

"I'm sorry." Percy whispered back.

"Shut the fu-" Erika said as she sighed. "Shut up." She whispered.

"So.." Grover began, Erika hugging Percy tightly as if she was almost scared. She had her arms wrapped around his neck as she hugged him before finally pulling away and punching him on his shoulder. "You're not as dead we thought you'd be."

"Suprise." Percy responded as Erika backed away from him.

"What happened?" Grover asked, looking at Percy as Annabeth shoved her hands into her pockets.

"Short version, we need to go to Santa Monica." Percy responded.

"What, like now?" Grover asked, confused.

Percy nodded, saying yes. "My father's gonna meet me there. He's gonna help us."

"Okay. Uh, just one problem with this plan. The police think that we crashed an Amtrak train and then did that." Grover said as he pointed at the altar, which had smoke coming out of it.

"Th-- The cops are after us?" Percy stuttered a little.


"Isn't that gonna make it hard for us to get on a train? Or a bus? Or really anything you need tickets for?"

The four looked at each other before they decided to WALK to Santa Monica.

"Hey guys, I think this quest might be harder than we thought." Percy said as they walked in the highway.

"Well done, Sherlock." Erika responded sarcastically, looking at Percy.

Percy ignored Erika's sarcastic remark. "I've been thinking. I didn't steal the master bolt. You guys didn't steal the master bolt. We're pretty sure Hades has the master bolt, but he couldn't have stolen it himself. I mean, we don't even know who actually stole the thing, or why, or how deep this goes."

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