Brushstrokes of Destiny

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So, like, Y/n was totally in her own zone, you know? Sketching away in the hallway, headphones blasting her favourite tunes - just vibing. And then, out of the blue, disaster strikes. Her sketchbook, her whole world, decides it's had enough of gravity and makes a grand escape to the floor. Total face palm moment, right?

But here comes Jungkook, the basketball maestro, with a grin that could rival the sunrise, catches Y/n's sketchbook mid-air. The whole hallway holds its breath for a split second, like a movie freeze-frame. And then he's there, holding the sketchbook like he just found the lost city of Atlantis

"Hey, you dropped this."

Y/n, her face probably a shade of red that doesn't even have a name, stumbles over her words, "Uh,thanks. I mean, yeah, that's mine."

And then, out of the blue, Jungkook throws a curveball. Instead of handing the sketchbook back and going about this cool-guy business, he points at one of Y/n's sketches and goes, "This is amazing. Seriously, you drew this?"

Y/n, blinking like woke up from the weirdest dream, stammers out, "Uh, yeah, I draw sometimes. No big deal."

But Jungkook, the unsuspecting art critic, isn't having it. He's genuinely interested. Next thing you know, they're standing in the hallway, talking about art like it's the meaning of life. Jungkook's eyes are lighting up as if he just discovered a hidden treasure. Y/n, still in shock that Mr.Popular is actually into her doodles, manages to form coherent sentences. The awkwardness is there, but it's cute.

And then comes the bombshell "We should, like talk more. But not here, you know? Too many ears and eyes."

So, the secret notes begin. Jungkook slips tiny piece of paper into Y/n's locker next day, like some undercover agent passing classified information. It's not Shakespearean poetry or anything - just simple "Hey, enjoyed our art talk. Same time tomorrow?"

Y/n, reading that not with a goofy grin, replies with an equally discreet, "Sure, why not?"

And just like that, the secret exchange begins. Notes fly back and forth like invisible arrows between their lockers. It's not always deep stuff. Sometimes, it's just doodles or random thoughts. But it's their thing, their secret language in the midst of high school chaos.

One day, Jungkook decides to up the ante. Instead of a note, he leaves a small sketch in Y/n's locker - a basketball morphing into a paintbrush. It's cheesy but endearing, like a hidden message only they get.

Y/n, touched by this unexpected gesture, responds with her own sketch - an easel turning into a basketball hoop. The symbolism is as clear as day

Two worlds colliding in the most unexpected yet perfect way


Their secret doodle language evolves alongside their growing connection. It's not just about art anymore, it's about understanding each other without saying a word.
Each sketch, each note, is a tiny piece of their story, a visual diary of the journey from strangers to a dynamic duo.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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