last day

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Angels pov

I went to work and seen Valentino and asked him but I was doing today he replied within a fairy attitude and said you're having sex 65 men and if you don't then you'll be beat once again do you want that angel cakes? He asked me and I replied with no and I told him after I was done having sex with all 65 men that today was going to be my last day and he freaked out he said I own your soul if you dare to try to leave I can take you out the hell so dare tried to leave Anthony he says that's not my name Valentino I reply and he says I don't care if that's your name or not I own you I tell him that today is my last day where he likes it or not he text me to my dressing room and continues to beat me by black and blue marks all over me scratches stab marks I grabbed my gun after he leaves I head outside my dresser and put the gun on my head just as I do I see a flash of Alastor suddenly he arrives and I asked him how am I going to start crying I hug him I tell him what's that and Valentino have done he takes me back to the hotel places me on his bed not quickly fall asleep I wake up about 6 hours later I asked him what happened and he replies with Valentino had hurt me  I didn't look too surprised he didn't sound too surprising but he crawled up on the bed and started cuddling me I hold him tight as I drift to sleep again

Alastors pov

I will kill Valentino for hurting my dear sweet angel angel means the world to me and Valentino hurt him I will kill you know and get my baby soul back Angel destiny's everything to me I don't know what I would do without him he's the best and nobody will take angel dust from me not even another overlord granted he's a week that overlord but still know that overlord would take him from me

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