Chapter 9

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It's already late in the night and Jungkook was still wide awake. He has a big problem and he can't take care of it.

Yes, the mattress is soft but so is his mattress in his room. He can sleep well with a soft mattress and he usually doesn't have any trouble with that. However, Seokjin's position is making it hard for him.

Seokjin's right leg is straddling his waist and his hand hugging him tight. The worst part of it is the closeness of Seokjin to him is giving him a boner. The breath of Jin touching his neck makes him want to also hold the man tighter but he's trying to control himself. It's really a wrong decision to let Seokjin manipulate him on times like this, especially with the thought that he was not touched for years already.

He accidentally groaned in frustration.

Seokjin must have heard it as he woke up and looked at Jungkook.

He rubbed his eye and looked up. Making his lips even closer to Jungkook's face.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet, Kookie?"

"Because you are heavy." He said bluntly.

Seokjin noticed that he was hugging Jungkook too tight.

"I'm sorry. You should have just woken me up." Seokjin said.

"It's okay." Jungkook said, moving a little bit further from Seokjin. "Go to sleep." He said then repositioned himself sideways, with his back on Seokjin.

"Goodnight, Kookie." Seokjin said, still sleepy.

Jungkook could have fall asleep right away if not just for the boner he feels inside his sweatpants. Seokjin is just too innocent and cute, Jungkook wonders how much more time he can resist.


Seokjin's first day of school started a week after they moved in Seoul. They walked towards the school as it was just a 10-minute distance by foot. Jungkook thought it's also a better way to hide Seokjin's identity as the latter requested.

Seokjin did not complain about the walk, he enjoys it as he sees a lot of things on their way.

When they arrived at their designated classroom, Seokjin was amazed by how big it is. It is a whole conference room, he thinks and more than 50 students can fit in without bumping to each other.

He wanted to approach some of his classmates but he doesn't know why and he is scared that he might look awkward as he never did that before.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked him from behind.

Seokjin nodded.

More and more students are coming in and Seokjin felt more awkward.

One student sat beside him but did not talk at all. Another student sat on the other side of that student.

"You're scaring him, Yoongi." The student said probably noticing Seokjin's reaction. "Hi, I am Hoseok. And this is grandpa Yoongi." He said extending his hand for Seokjin to shake.

Seokjin blushed knowing someone actually talked to him.

"S-seokjin." He said.

Jungkook was just observing the whole interaction, letting Seokjin make friends as he wanted.

"Wow! That's a nice name. You are also very handsome. I hope we can be friends. Are you also new here in Seoul?"

Hoseok, as Jungkook heard, is very friendly... too friendly for his liking.


"Don't be shy to us. Me and Yoongi are also new here. We were from Daegu and we don't know a lot of people here. You can go with us during lunch."

"Ah, okay. Thank you for the offer b-but m-my friend here is also with me." Seokjin said remembering Jungkook.

At last you noticed me. Jungkook thought.

"Oh... you have a hot friend." Hoseok whispered to Seokjin oggling Jungkook.

Yoongi elbowed him to make him stop oggling Jungkook.

Seokjin pouted when Hoseok said that Jungkook is hot. Why do they always say he is hot?

"Oh, sorry. Is he your boyfriend?" Hoseok asked.

Seokjin blushed and immediately shook his head.

Jungkook looked away, feeling shy with the question as well.

"N-no! We are just friends!" Seokjin said to them.

"That is interesting." Hoseok said seeing the reaction of the two. He looked at Yoongi and they were both thinking of the same thing.

They were suddenly distracted when their teacher came in.

"What the actual fuck." Jungkook mumbled when he saw the professor.

Seokjin's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh! This one is actually my type." Hoseok said and suddenly sat straight to look at the professor.

Everyone, boys and girls, looked at their professor and some were looking at him with hearts in their eyes.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his bestfriend's reaction. He's always like this with hot men.

"Good morning, everyone. I will be your algebra teacher for this semester so I hope you all will do good in this subject. My name is Kim Namjoon." He said then wrote his name on the board.

"Seriously?" Seokjin whispered to himself.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now