(Ch.22) Manus Rubrae

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"Sorry if the food tastes weird, I rushed... I wasn't expecting company..." Y/n said nervously. "Really... I don't often have guests... Ever." She said as she started setting their plates.

Stu chuckled, as he settled into a chair at the kitchen table. Examining the food. "Don't worry, I'll try not to wear my welcome." He replied, she could hear the slight.. Aggravation in his voice. Sass mostly. Most likely to her not being partial to his party.

Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking her head. Stu's easygoing demeanor was a stark contrast to the tension that still lingered in the air from her encounter in the attic.

As they chatted over coffee and breakfast. She knew something was upsetting him, something to do with Billy. Stu's presence here was a distraction, a temporary reprieve from the chaos that seemed to follow her everywhere for the both of them.

She had a nagging pang in her heart for him. Did he want this? He didn't want to hurt her. She knew that. That's why he was so insistent. Because of their plan. If she messed it up... They would have to, wouldn't they?

"So, uh..what's been going on with you?" Stu convincing himself that it would never happen, breaking the aching silence that had settled between them.

Y/N hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. Stu was a notorious gossip, and she didn't want her personal business broadcasted to the entire town.

"Melodrama." She replied casually, glossing over the details. "With everything going on there's only so much nonchalance I can throw around."

Stu nodded, seemingly satisfied with her vague answer. "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me." he said, his tone sincere.

Y/N offered him a small smile, grateful for his offer of support. Despite his flaws, Stu had always been there for her when she needed him most.

"Thanks, Stu," she said, her voice genuine. "I appreciate it."

As they finished their coffee, Y/N's thoughts drifted back to the mysterious events of the night before. She knew feeling there was more to the visit than he was letting on, was most logical.

She always loved spending time with the people she loved. Something about her loyalty that made her try to see the reason behind why someone would do something so harsh, and try to support them even when she know it's wrong. That's one of her biggest attributes, her hearth. The love for her friends, for strangers is greater than any risk she could take.

"I have a question... You know I like being straightforward...." She says lightly, with a hint of suspicion, before turning herself down. She can't... She can't bring it up, she told herself, and she told Will and Hannibal that she couldn't do anything. If she tried more people would die, but in this moment she decided...for once in her life to play dumb.

Y/N's expression was stern as she confronted Stu about his unexpected visit.

"I have a question... You know I like being straightforward," she repeated, her tone serious as she fixed him with a penetrating gaze. "Why did you get Billy after you stopped talking to us in the hall?"

Dionaea Muscipula (xfem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now