November 12th

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The Mikhailov empire was built on lies, blood and damnation. Long since forgotten ancestors built the ground their descendents walked on after a war they waged and won. A war no one backed down from. The Mikhailov, Kumarin and Todorov families have made death an art and raised generations of DiVinci’s. 

As fourth in line to the Mikhailov throne, I had never been worth much more to my mother than a good shot and a pretty face. But to my best friend, my brother, I was worth the world. And by the gods was Indril worth the same to me.  

Which was why, from where I stood at Indril’s side, watching tears fall down my best friend’s face, I did not reach for the notebook burning a hole in my back pocket. Indril Kumarin, third in line to the Kumarin throne and my brother in everything but blood deserved more respect than that. This was his engagement ceremony after all. 

Indril turned to meet my gaze and got an encouraging smile in return. Juliet started advancing on the doors of the great hall, a giddy smile tugging at the corners of Indril’s mouth. 

My gaze shifted past my beautiful friend and soon to be sister in law to my gorgeous girlfriend Isana Kumain, Juliet’s maid of honor. Isana wore a stunning pink gown, drooping bell sleeves made of elegant lace in a floral pattern matching Juliet’s own. 

It was not until the doors opened that silence befell the crowd. Many turned, gazes landing on Indril, but he only had eyes for Juliet. I chuckled as tears of admiration continued falling down Indril’s face. Juliet advanced, Isana and Althea, our real mother in every way that mattered, following behind her. 

My sister, Visha, was supposed to also be standing at Juliet’s side, but was unable to come due to an assignment running too long. But we all knew she would move heaven, hell and earth itself in order to stand at Juliet’s side for her wedding. 

The beautiful women shone with the light of angels. I was transfixed on Isana as she cast a glowy smile my way before turning to look around in wonder. Joy creased the corners of her eyes, taking in the sight.

Floor to ceiling flowers covered every wall in the great hall, glistening with a shimmery powder. Isana looked effervescent against the lit up doors. I made a note to ask Isana what specifically was catching her attention sometime later. But for now, the ceremonial music had started playing from speakers hung amongst the decor and it was time for the magic to begin.  

Juliet stopped about a foot away from Indirl, eyes locked on nothing but each other. A radiant light wafting off them. It’s said that pictures are worth a thousand words but damn memories are priceless. 

Indril was night, green eyes dripping with glittering tears. A hue of cerulean light danced around him, stars dancing between rivers of night sky. But Juliet was day, each a compliment to one another, two halves of a single whole. Golden specks of honeyed skin sparkling on her cheeks. Silver eyes coated in black kohl, striking in every way. 

Juliet wasn’t crying, probably to conserve the integrity of her eye makeup, but Indril was sobbing. Blue glitter streaked across his face, little lines a testament to his devotion. Indril didn’t seem to care though, and neither did Juliet as she cupped her soon to be fiance's face in her hands, brushing away the streaks of glitter with gentle fingers. 

Caden Mikhailov, the apparent but still uncrowned heir to the Mikhailov throne, cleared his throat in the microphone on the dias behind where the wedding party was standing. “May the speeches commence.”

I tamped down on the biting rage simmering in my gut at the sound of that man’s voice. This was a happy ceremony, and it wouldn’t be ruined by my hatred for Caden. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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